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12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Evaluation of Public Administrations‘ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals.

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Presentation on theme: "12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Evaluation of Public Administrations‘ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Evaluation of Public Administrations‘ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals

2 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Contents Introduction Presentation of draft report Introduction to group work Work in groups Group reports Discussion

3 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Purpose To investigate the area from the point of view of the IPSG and to identify which actions launched within the National Action Programmes for achieving Lisbon Strategy goals related to their public administrations generated the most added value.

4 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Expected Results Presentation of the results at the 5QC conference in October 2008 in Paris, Publication – printed version, pdf version, Presentation of countries' cases / projects which contributed the most to the Lisbon goals in an individual country, Presentation / review of contribution to the realisation of Lisbon Strategy goals, from the IPSG's point of view

5 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Agreed Timing2008 Discussion at the IPSG I meeting18-19 Feb Call for providing the information / template 25 Feb Information from the MS11 April Discussion on draft report at the IPSG II meeting 12-13 May Preparation of second draft4 July Finalising the report, printing a publication for the 5QC October

6 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Preliminary findings (1/2) Generally, Member States: have a National Reform Plan which reflects a national strategy for achieving the LS goals, follow the recomendation of the Spring European Council in March 2005 for designation a national co-ordinator for the LS who will be in direct consultation with the PM.

7 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Preliminary findings (2/2) Co-operation between administrative and political level in respect to the LS is crucial. Wide range of national cases are connected to BR, RAB, simplification and eGovernment. Some national cases reported results, expressed in numbers.

8 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Possible recommendations (1/2) More co-operation with the national "front- line" of the LS. (To achieve stronger "bottom-up" pressure to the realisation of the LS /Latvia/; To promptly response to problems in practice and to build mutual trust /Slovenia/.)

9 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Possible recommendations (2/2) To involve more of economic rationale in all LS-related processes. To additionally strenghten LS-related knowledge-sharing between MS, also between different levels of government.

10 12-13 May 20082nd IPSG Meeting Brdo pri Kranju Work in Groups Three groups / three Glass Halls Discussion in groups Group reports and discussion in plenary

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