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2006.11.15 Team 6th Project of Simulation Dormitory Restaurant Simulation Members: Chang-Su Jeon Wang Zhenguo Byung-Sun Park Min-Jung Geon.

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Presentation on theme: "2006.11.15 Team 6th Project of Simulation Dormitory Restaurant Simulation Members: Chang-Su Jeon Wang Zhenguo Byung-Sun Park Min-Jung Geon."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006.11.15 Team 6th Project of Simulation Dormitory Restaurant Simulation Members: Chang-Su Jeon Wang Zhenguo Byung-Sun Park Min-Jung Geon

2  Restaurant Model water Food Departure Restaurant In PNU

3 How many tables we want to satisfy all demand? How long time does each student take for dinner? Is two water machines enough for all students? Whether there are too many students waiting in the fo od tables? What’s the average number of waiting in the account check queue?  Information

4 Get the number of enough tables. The average time each student take for dinner. The number of water machines. The number in the checking queue. Estimate whether two food tables is enough or not. Maximize the dinner time for students  The Goal of Simulation

5 All the students will follow the fix steps: Check-Get dishware-Fetch food-Have dinner-Throw leftover away-Use tissu e-Drink some water-(Maybe go to toilet)-Leave The time from food tables to the dinner table is the same. The check time is same. When the student finishes the dinner, he/she leaves at o nce.  Assumption

6  Step 1.Analyze the real system, look for the problems and fix th e goal. 2.Collect the data we need. 3.Modeling 4.Verification and Validation 5.Animation and Analysis the result

7 The data is from the real system. The structure of our system is similar with the re al system. We will use the ‘Input Analyzer’ tool of Arena to get the distribution we need. After finishing the model, run it, and compare the result with the data we collected from the real sy stem. Run the system with more replicates, maybe so me problems occur.  Validation

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