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Class diagram Lection №2. Plan  Class: name, attributes, operations.  Relationships between classes.  Interfaces.  Objects.  Templates.  Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "Class diagram Lection №2. Plan  Class: name, attributes, operations.  Relationships between classes.  Interfaces.  Objects.  Templates.  Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class diagram Lection №2

2 Plan  Class: name, attributes, operations.  Relationships between classes.  Interfaces.  Objects.  Templates.  Recommendations for the development of class diagram

3 Class


5 Class: visibility quantum  “+” public type.  “#“ protected type.  "-“ private type.

6 Class: multiplicity  [0..1]  [0..*]  [1..*]  [1..5]  [1..3, 5, 7]  [1..3, 7.. 10]  [1..3,7..*]

7 Class  color: Соlоr  employee_name [1..2] : String  visibility:Boolean  form:Polygon

8 Class attributes  color:Соlоr = (255, 0, 0)  employee_name[1..2]:String = Ivan Ivanovich.  visibility:Вооlеаn = true.  form:Polygon = rectangle.  visibility:Вооlеаn = truth.

9 Operations  +create()  +draw (form: Polygon = rectangle, fill_color Color: = (0, 0, 255))  ask_client’s_account (number_of_account:Integer):Сиггепсу  show_message():{"division by zero Error"}

10 Dependency relationship


12  «access»  «bind»  «derive»  «import»  «refine»

13 Association



16 Aggregation

17 Composition

18 Generalization


20 Limits  {complete}  {disjoint}  {incomplete}  {overlapping}

21 Generalization

22 Interfaces

23 Objects

24 Template


26 Recommendations A well-structured class diagram  Is focused on communicating one aspect of a system's static design view.  Contains only elements that are essential to understanding that aspect.  Provides detail consistent with its level of abstraction, with only those adornments that are essential to understanding.  Is not so minimalist that it misinforms the reader about important semantics.

27 Recommendations When you draw a class diagram,  Give it a name that communicates its purpose.  Lay out its elements to minimize lines that cross.  Organize its elements spatially so that things that are semantically close are laid out physically close.  Use notes and color as visual cues to draw attention to important features of your diagram.  Try not to show too many kinds of relationships. In general, one kind of relationship will tend to dominate each class diagram.

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