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Inspection Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Inspection Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspection Programs

2 Purpose of Inspections
Used to emphasize company commitment Make employees feel as though part of team – not “under fire” Identify hazards and ensure correction Audit the effectiveness of the safety program and hold supervisors accountable Fact-finding… not fault-finding!

3 Format for Inspections
Established policy and procedure for completing inspections Established schedule Inspection form Previous reports, incident reports, etc. Training for supervisors

4 Tools/Equipment for Inspections
Remember – practice what you preach! Wear the necessary PPE Other tools may include clipboard inspection forms pens/pencils lockout/tagout supplies measuring tape/ruler flashlight electrical testing equipment sampling devices…

5 Unsafe Behaviors Using machines or tools improperly
Operating vehicles improperly or at unsafe speeds Removing guards Using defective tools Using hands or body instead of tools Overloading, not balancing, or handling materials incorrectly Disposing waste incorrectly Repairing equipment that is in motions, under pressure, or electrically charged Not using PPE or using it improperly Creating unsafe or unsanitary conditions Standing or working under suspended load, scaffold, shafts, etc.

6 Recording Hazards Inspection reports should include: Area inspected
Date of inspection & report Who conducted inspection A description of the hazard and its specific location Corrective action recommended, if possible Other information may include a hazard classification, responsible party names for each deficiency, identification of repeat violations, etc.

7 Activity… Make a correction to these vague reports: Poor housekeeping
Guard missing

8 Follow-up for Corrective Action
Establish a time limit for corrective action Can take report to safety and health committee Take immediate action when needed for imminent danger situations Correct problems on the spot, when possible Follow-up with items not corrected or no responses

9 Assignment Select a company business for which you may be familiar (may have worked there in the summers, family member worked there, it is located near your home, etc.) Search the Internet and/or other resources and find at least three inspection forms to use as a guide. Based on the business you selected, create an inspection form that would be applicable. Be as detailed as possible.

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