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Shaping Opinions – A Case of Afghanistan’s Young Generation By: M. Nazo Hotaki, Sample Answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Shaping Opinions – A Case of Afghanistan’s Young Generation By: M. Nazo Hotaki, Sample Answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaping Opinions – A Case of Afghanistan’s Young Generation By: M. Nazo Hotaki, Sample Answers

2 Executive Summary  Insight to a post-conflict country  The existing social, political and economic challenges of youth  A tale of two generations  Factors deriving youth opinions  Voices of a generation – the national and global settings  Mobilizing youth opinions – a way to move forward

3 Afghanistan at a Glance  The post conflict era of Afghanistan started in 2001, marks the turning point for the country.  Since then, it has remained the centre of international political debates (e.g. security, violence, drugs … etc.)  A war-torn country where human rights abusers still rule.  What has been overlooked is, the emerging young generation who strive with all existing challenges to succeed, grow, change and make the country a better place to live.

4 The Socio-Economic Portrait  With the withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the Presidential elections in 2014, security and political challenges are on rise.  2016 a time of uncertainty for Afghans  Beliefs are shaped in ways they consider themselves to cope with the political, security and economic uncertainties ahead

5 A Tale of Two Generations

6  Co-inhabit two generations. One superior to the other.  Youth opinions are undervalued in the society  At the Micro Level:  elders’ decisions are given more weight within the family and community.  At the Macro Level:  Youth are discriminated on the basis of age for job opportunities, decision making roles … etc.  Females more discriminated than males.  Youth have been frustrated by the concentration of decision making power in the hands of older generations. A Tale of Two Generations

7 Towards an Educated Generation

8  Unlike preceding Gen, young gen are likely to be literate  UN-MDG indicators shows more than 50% increase in literacy rates between 2005 – 2012.  Differences exist in regional and district literacy levels.  Youth perceive education as the survivor of existing crisis. Towards an Educated Generation

9 Effects of Youth Unemployment

10  One of the biggest challenges besides security.  An unbalanced economy which doesn’t address employment expectations of youth.  Until 2014, international aid had boosted economic development and employment.  since 2014, development and service sectors have shrunk.  Youth employment is characterized by a high level of job insecurity (self-employed, daily labourers or unpaid family workers) Effects of Youth Unemployment

11  Unemployment fuels insurgency rates.  Isolated and unemployed youth are approached by Taliban and other insurgent groups.  Youth have fostered Taliban’s combat capabilities “The real attraction to the Taliban has very little to do with religious fundamentalism but everything to do with an isolated and down- trodden youth with empty stomach” Effects of Youth Unemployment

12 Youth and Social Media

13 Social Media Influence  Youths are Large smartphone and internet technology users.  Use internet and actively participate in online communities and membership groups.  Youths are shifting to become social media users (FB 87.8%)  solid channel to engage, spread information, voice opinions and widen youth networks in the country.  A national evidence of social media penetration in the country was the 2014 Presidential election campaigns.

14 Social Media Influence  Use of social media is balanced between:  Social/recreational uses  Spread information, and news  Widen youth networks in the country  Participate in national debates  Voice opinions  A convenient platform for youth to voice their opinions.

15 Voices of the new generation

16 Afghan Youth at National Settings  Youth opinions have widely influenced national political debates.  They have formed new political parties and entities  Their role in Afghanistan media is appreciated  They have supported democracy, human rights and gender equality as opposed to older generation.

17 Afghan Youth at International Settings  How vulnerable they are? How the older generation educate them?  Globalization:  Youth supports the global context. Reduced barriers to trade, established international agreements … etc.  Old generation – communist ideology of closed borders  Global Warming:  Old generation perceive it less relevant to the country’s existing realities  Youth perceive it as a political and regional concern.

18 Afghan Youth at International Settings  Migration can be evaluated from 2 aspects:  Internal: Rural to Urban Migration – unemployment and security unrests  External: Overseas Migration (EU Migration Crisis)  Political Uncertainties  Failing security condition

19 Mobilizing Youth Perception  In 2016, Youth opinions are derived by the country’s uncertain political destiny and security challenges.  No research industry to mobilize opinions.  While social media and internet remained dominant players in voicing youth opinions, traditional research too plays an important role.  Future research opportunities.

20 Thank You!

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