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Madagascar By: Rachel Stovall. Madagascar No surrounding countries South East of Africa Surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Mozambique Channel.

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Presentation on theme: "Madagascar By: Rachel Stovall. Madagascar No surrounding countries South East of Africa Surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Mozambique Channel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Madagascar By: Rachel Stovall

2 Madagascar No surrounding countries South East of Africa Surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Mozambique Channel

3 Major cities Capital

4 Mangokey River Betsiboka River Mt. Maromokotro Ankaratra Mountains

5 Activities Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve

6 Oldest Catholic Church Historic Sites

7 Ambohimanga-former royal capital

8 Historic Site Ampefy-Waterfall over volcanic rock

9 Sovereignty Purity Hope

10 Voanjobory Bambara Groundnut Found in Central Madagascar

11 Top 3 languages French, Malagasy, English 63.63 years Life expectancy Major Religion Christianity Largest Ethnic Group Malayo-Indonesian

12 Natural Hazards Hurricanes Drought

13 Weather Winter-Spring is July-October Rainer season is November-April Coastal areas are warm, humid and tropical The south is always hot and dry

14 Top 3 imports C apital goods P etroleum C onsumer goods Top 3 exports C offee V anilla S hellfish Car, train, bus, and taxi Transportation

15 Madagascar art African Statues People Animals

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