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The return of the dinosaurs?. DNA feather bison turkey.

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Presentation on theme: "The return of the dinosaurs?. DNA feather bison turkey."— Presentation transcript:

1 The return of the dinosaurs?

2 DNA feather

3 bison turkey

4 The hen is h______ chickens. hatching The eagle has sharp c____. claws

5 The c___ is sucking its mother’s milk. calf People are on s________. strike be on strike

6 dinosaurs Jurassic Park

7 Do you think it is possible to clone dinosaurs?

8 The Return of the Dinosaurs?

9 Skimming: What’s the writing style of the text? A. exposition B. argumentation C. narration D. essay The organization of an argumentative passage 1. Put forward a question 2. Analyze the reasons and solve the problem 3. Draw a conclusion Three parts part 1 part 2 part 3

10 The title and part I--- put forward a question 1.Which question is put forward? 2.What kind of feeling does the idea of cloning extinct animals give people? 3.What’s the present situation of cloning? Why? Can we clone extinct animals?/ Is it possible to clone extinct animals? ( the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals) 2. The popularity of films such as Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and excitement into people’s hearts. (translation) 2. 在《侏罗纪公园》这部影片中,有一位科学家克隆了 几种不同的灭绝的恐龙,类似这样的影片很受欢迎,证 明了 ( 克隆灭绝动物 ) 这一想法使人们感到既兴奋又恐惧。 We are a long way from being able to clone extinct animals. Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals. This is because the cloning of mammals is still a new science and…(PC) strike… into one’s heart: (formal) to make sb. feel… Sentence patterns: This is because… That is why… The reason why… is that…

11 1. Which sentence can be replaced by the following one? 2.What is the great drawback to cloning a group of animals? 3.Why would a suitable habitat be needed? Because a suitable habitat is important for them to develop and increase their numbers. Careful-reading and thinking There must be enough variety in the group to resist diseases, otherwise we will fail to clone an animal. All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. Key words: sth be in vain — sb fail to do diversity — variety overcome — resist The great drawback is that they would all have the same arrangement of genes and so might die of the same illness. disadvantage; weakness

12 Part III---draw a conclusion Use the three reasons in part 2 and the information in part 3 to analyze why we couldn’t clone dinosaurs. Pair-work There is no perfect DNA. (We cannot clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10, 000 years. Dinosaurs disappeared 65,000,000 years ago.) It is difficult to have enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. There is not a suitable habitat.

13 Quagga (1883) Great Auk (1844) Great Auk (1844) May the best animal win! Aurochs (1627) Dodo bird (1755)

14 Discussing and reporting Choose one animal and use the information in the table and reasons in our text to help you argue why this animal is worth cloning. Requirements: 1.Choose a speaker and a note-taker; 2.Follow the example of the report on page 17 but do not copy; 3.You can use some linking words; 4.Report loudly. (We hold the opinion that) ______ is the most suitable animal to bring back to life. Here are the reasons/ benefits. (First of all,… Then,… In addition/ What’s more… Finally/At last…) So we think ______ would be the best choice to bring back to life.

15 1.Unfortunately, with what we know now, this is either impossible or unsuitable. 2.The initial requirement is that you need perfect DNA. 3.Diversity in a group means having animals with genes arranged in different ways. 4.The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die, but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. The drawback to cloning a group of animals is that they would all have the same arrangement of genes and so might die of the same disease. 5.Based on what we know now, you cannot clone animals that have been extinct … 6.The great auk does not economically repay all the efforts needed to restore it. repay all the efforts 所有的努力得到回报

16 1. This is because… 2. That is why… 3. The reason why… is that… 1.He didn’t work hard. _________________ he failed in the exam. 2.He failed in the exam. ________________ he didn’t work hard. 3.________________ he failed in the exam ________ he didn’t work hard. That was why This was because The reason why was that The reason why… is because… Practice:

17 1.the possibility of doing 做 … 的可能性 2.fierce 凶猛的 extinct 灭绝 的 makers 电影制片人 a long way from 离 …… 还很远 5.experiment with 实验 experimental adj. the 1950s 在二十世纪 五十年代 on 从事 8.give birth to 生下, 产下 9.calf pl. calves 10.overcome illnesses 克服疾病 11. a suitable habitat 适当 的栖息地 12.lead/ live a natural life 过着自然的生活 13.the chance of sb/ sth doing 做某事的机会 14.die out 灭绝 (Ex 3 on p16) 15.worth restoring 值得复活 means of 利用 17.horn 喇叭, 号角 18.make into 制成 used for 被用作 20.tasty 美味的 absorb 吸收 v. 21.protect…from… 保 护 …… 免受 …… 22.agree on 双方或多方就 某事达成一致 23.acquire vt. 获得

18 25.appeal n./v. 吸引(力) similar to 与 …… 相似 27.fairly recently 就近 / 最近 fairly 相当 adv. v. 耕作;饲养 29.pleasing adj, 令人愉快的 pleasure n. 快乐;娱乐 30.ideal n./adj. 理想 ( 的 ) 31.nutritious adj. 营养的 32.hatch into 孵化成

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