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Special Interest Groups. I. Basic Information Definition – ________________________________ A.Different from political parties 1. 2.Have narrow interests.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Interest Groups. I. Basic Information Definition – ________________________________ A.Different from political parties 1. 2.Have narrow interests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Interest Groups

2 I. Basic Information Definition – ________________________________ A.Different from political parties 1. 2.Have narrow interests 3. B.Power comes from numbers – ______________________________________________ 1.Money to conduct activities or donate to campaigns 2.Potential voters C.Controversy 1.Way for citizens to voice their concerns OR 2.Too much influence on politics (officials concerned more with pleasing SI groups than their constituents)

3 II. Membership A.Leadership Activities 1.Inform members 2.Media relations 3.Manage group finances B.Members’ Motives 1.Economic interest 2.Values 3.Social reasons  Most people do not belong to interest groups

4 III. Types 1.Business and Labor – improve conditions for businesses or for workers (Chamber of Commerce, any labor union) 2.Agricultural – speak on issues affecting farmers (ALFA) 3.Professional – speak on issues relating to a particular profession (American Medical Association) 4.Environmental – speak on issues related to the environment (Sierra Club) 5.Public Interest – seek to improve society as a whole 6.Ideological – seek to have views on issues reflected in policies of the government (NOW, NAACP, NRA, ACLU, NRL, AARP***)

5 IV. Activities A.Lobbying 1.Lobbyist – person who works for an interest group to try and influence government officials 2.Activities Providing information Writing legislation 3.Laws Disclosure of activities and money spent Restrictions on former officials B.Influence 1. 2. 3.Donations to campaigns 4. 5.Forming PACs

6 V.PACs A.How PACs began 1.FECA limits campaign contributions 2.PACs allow barred organizations and wealthy citizens to spend more money B.Laws governing PACs 1. 2.Must have at least 50 contributors 3. 4.Can only directly give $5000 BUT 5. No limit on support (ex. issue advocacy ads) (Buckley v Valeo) C.Affiliation 1.Affiliated – connected to an interest group 2.Non-connected - independent D.Strategies 1.Support for access – 2.Influencing elections -

7 VI. Political Ideology A.Liberal 1. 2. B.Conservative 1. 2. C.Libertarian 1. 2.

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