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EARTH SCIENCE The study of the Earth The earth functions as a whole and all it parts operate together in meaningful ways to make the planet work as a single.

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Presentation on theme: "EARTH SCIENCE The study of the Earth The earth functions as a whole and all it parts operate together in meaningful ways to make the planet work as a single."— Presentation transcript:

1 EARTH SCIENCE The study of the Earth The earth functions as a whole and all it parts operate together in meaningful ways to make the planet work as a single unit. As we work through the science curriculum we will discuss how each topic of study connects to the Earth as a whole and incorporate related current events.

2 The Earth System The Earth System is a set of systems that work together in making the world we know.


4 Geosphere The part of the Earth System that is made of the EARTH ITSELF (Crust, Mantle, Inner and Outer Cores.)

5 Hydrosphere The part of the Earth System that is the planet’s WATER, including oceans, lakes, rivers, ground water, ice, and water vapor.

6 Atmosphere The part of the Earth System that is made of the mixture of GASES that surround the planet.

7 BIOSPHERE The part of the Earth System that is made of all LIVING THINGS

8 Anthrosphere The part of the Earth System (BIOSPHERE) that includes all HUMAN CREATIONS


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