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Controls Group New Channel Access Nameserver Presented by Karen White for Joan Sage.

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Presentation on theme: "Controls Group New Channel Access Nameserver Presented by Karen White for Joan Sage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controls Group New Channel Access Nameserver Presented by Karen White for Joan Sage

2 Controls Group Overview Background Motivation Old JLab Nameserver New JLab Nameserver Results

3 Controls Group Background By default, EPICS does not use a nameserver Process variable name resolution achieved via UDP broadcasts JLab has used a cdev based nameserver for BURT and MEDM clients for several years

4 Controls Group EPICS PV Name Resolution IOC Client Broadcast TCP Connection

5 Controls Group Why Use A Nameserver? Reduce IOC CPU load due to broadcast requests for name resolution Provide PV location information for tools that do not require connection Improve client connection time

6 Controls Group Without Nameserver

7 Controls Group With Nameserver

8 Controls Group Why A New JLab Nameserver? Old JLab Nameserver –Integration with client programs required code changes and recompilation –Required changes to Channel Access Library Because of these difficulties, the old nameserver was only used with BURT and MEDM

9 Controls Group Old Nameserver NS Client IOC Broadcast TCP Connection Fallthrough* NS *Nameserver Hash Table NOT Updated

10 Controls Group New Nameserver No modifications needed to client code No modifications to Channel Access Library Client programs are configured to use nameserver by setting EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST

11 Controls Group New Nameserver Nameserver reads signal.list files generated by IOCs at boot time to fill initial hash table Nameserver “learns” about PVs added to the system after startup by broadcasting to fill unknown PV requests Nameserver could run in learn mode on startup

12 Controls Group New Nameserver Runs as a daemon with automatic restart on failure (code stolen from CA Gateway) Nameserver Startup Time < 5 sec for 215K PVs Built on PCAS example code – directoryServer (Jeff Hill’s suggestion) Only a Nameserver – not a Gateway Does nothing with beacons

13 Controls Group New Nameserver Nameserver monitors IOC heartbeat for connection events When an IOC goes down –Nameserver hashtable updated –Nameserver monitors for reconnection events – Nameserver does not respond to clients asking for PVs on IOCS that are down Deleted and moved PVs are automatically handled

14 Controls Group New Nameserver NS Client IOC Broadcast TCP Connection Fallthrough* *Nameserver Hash Table IS Updated

15 Controls Group Results Tested name resolution and connection  10,465 PVs on 36 IOCs  Max 300 PVs/IOC) Without Nameserver – 4.39 sec With New Nameserver – 2.18 sec

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