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A PACCP approach to grading Buenos Aires September 2008.

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1 A PACCP approach to grading Buenos Aires September 2008

2 MLA - Meat Industry Strategic Plan 1995 Meat Industry Strategic Plan –3 of the 6 initiatives focus on development of better description and marketing systems which would provide a consistent beef eating experience to the consumer

3 The MSA Concept Previous meat grading systems based on carcass traits resulted in a poor prediction of palatability MSA uses the concept of PACCP to predict palatability (PACCP - Palatability Analysis of Critical Control Points)

4 The need for TQM Declining consumption Declining prices Declining profitability Carcass description schemes that had little power to predict palatability An average and variable product quality

5 Domestic Beef Consumption

6 Consumer perception of beef X X 38% - beef quality problems X X 57% - problems selecting tender beef X X 81% - Considered that price was no indicator X X Little relationship between appearance and eating quality BUT WOULD BUY AND PAY MORE IF SATISFIED

7 Meat Standards Australia A Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) initiative MSA is a product grading scheme focused on satisfying the consumer MSA uses a TQM approach to grading

8 Meat Standards Australia Conception Consumption Genetics Nutrition/environment Pre-slaughter factors Post-slaughter factors Chilling Processing/value adding Cooking Consumer Feedback Critical Control Points

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