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SNAP R ESEARCH U PDATE Anita Singh, PhD Office of Policy Support USDA Food and Nutrition Service ASNNA W INTER C ONFERENCE 2016 F EBRUARY 9, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "SNAP R ESEARCH U PDATE Anita Singh, PhD Office of Policy Support USDA Food and Nutrition Service ASNNA W INTER C ONFERENCE 2016 F EBRUARY 9, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNAP R ESEARCH U PDATE Anita Singh, PhD Office of Policy Support USDA Food and Nutrition Service ASNNA W INTER C ONFERENCE 2016 F EBRUARY 9, 2016


3 Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant Program Section 4405 provided $100 million to support projects to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables among SNAP participants by providing incentives at the point of purchase ◦ $35 million in FY15 ◦ $20 million each in FY16 and FY17 ◦ $25 million in FY18 ◦ Up to 10% of funds for admin and evaluation 3

4 Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant Program Three types of grants: ◦ Pilot projects: <$100k, one year ◦ FINI projects: community based, <$500k, 4 years ◦ FINI Large-Scale projects: multi-county, State- wide and regional programs, >$500k, 4 years NIFA awarded first round of grants in April 2015 to projects in 26 states Award of second round of grants expected this spring 4

5 Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant Program Farm Bill requires a rigorous, independent evaluation that measures impact of each project on: ◦ Improving nutrition and health status of households receiving incentives ◦ Increasing fruit and vegetable purchases FNS is overseeing independent evaluation ◦ Westat is conducting the evaluation 5

6 Demonstration Projects to End Childhood Hunger The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 provided $40 million for USDA to conduct and evaluate demonstration projects to test innovative strategies to end child hunger and food insecurity HHFKA requirements: ◦ One project on an Indian reservation ◦ Conduct rigorous independent evaluation of each project to measure impact on food security 6

7 Kentucky Chickasaw Nation Navajo Nation Nevada Virginia Five Demonstration Projects

8 All reports can be found at: nutrition-assistance-program-snap-research nutrition-assistance-program-snap-research Congressional District Fact Sheets: characteristics For more information contact: 8

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