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Open Education and eduCommons David Wiley, PhD Center for Open and Sustainable Learning Department of Instructional Technology Utah State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Education and eduCommons David Wiley, PhD Center for Open and Sustainable Learning Department of Instructional Technology Utah State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Education and eduCommons David Wiley, PhD Center for Open and Sustainable Learning Department of Instructional Technology Utah State University

2 Many Aspects of Open Education Legal openness, Technical openness, Pedagogical openness

3 Legal Openness A matter of choosing the right license for content (e.g., CC-By-SA)

4 Technical Openness Making content easy to find, easy to access, and easy to use

5 Pedagogical Openness Designing resources so that they can be easily localized in order to be instructionally effective

6 What is eduCommons? NOT an LMS. It’s a tool for publishing, managing, using, and localizing open educational materials. (And it interoperates with your LMS - if you have one)

7 eduCommons and the Aspects eduCommons explicitly addresses the many aspects of open education

8 eduCommons and Legal Aspects Easy selection of multiple Open Source Initiative-approved licenses Automatically embeds RDF rights metadata in each file Embedded citations make it easy for content reusuers to abide by license conditions (attribution)


10 eduCommons and Technical Aspects Customized OER publishing workflow Rich metadata support (Dublin Core) RSS everywhere for easy searching, indexing, and harvesting Live preview of search results speeds up the process of finding content Common look and feel lets users focus on learning instead of navigating

11 eduCommons and Technical Aspects, 2 Support for WAI and other accessibility standards XHTML conformance testing and automated repair of non-conforming code Complete cross-browser compatibility Easily mirror content for distribution on CD or other media

12 eduCommons and Pedagogical Aspects Base UI available in over 50 languages (including Punjabi) Manage and maintain multi-lingual versions of content seamlessly Content only view for easy localization of individuals files IMS CP Export makes it easy to get out content in bulk for localization Integration with reuse / localization tools, including and send2wiki


14 Content is Infrastructure Open educational resources aren’t the innovation - they’re the platform

15 eduCommons Helps You Make the Most of It eduCommons provides some of the tools you need to leverage your content infrastructure into real learning and innovation

16 Thank You! I hope to meet with you soon.

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