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UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 Role of PARIS21 in supporting statistical development Advocacy for statistics Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 Role of PARIS21 in supporting statistical development Advocacy for statistics Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 Role of PARIS21 in supporting statistical development Advocacy for statistics Presentation by PARIS21 Secretariat

2 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 PARIS21’s advocacy role Why statistics? Why now? Development will not work unless efforts focus on results Greater emphasis on evidence and managing for results MDG, PRS and budget support processes Aid effectiveness Why NSDS?

3 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 Developing Countries OECD Countries and Multilaterals Policy makers Statisticians Central Stat. Office, Sector Units, Central Banks, etc. Ministers of Finance, Sector Ministers, etc. Development Agencies, WB, IMF, RDB, etc. OECD Statistics Office Mngers, UN Specialised Agencies; Stat. units in intl orgs Advocacy audiences

4 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 1. Policy makers and funders in developing countries Key messages: Role of statistics in improving development outcomes Desirability of developing a culture of evidence-based policy and decision-making Integration of statistics into policy frameworks (PRSs, SWAps, etc) Need for better statistics and better use of statistics to improve use of resources, including aid effectiveness NSDSs as a coherence framework to organise the development of their statistical system Appropriate and sustained financing for statistics from national budget

5 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 2. Policy makers and funders in OECD countries and multilateral development agencies Key messages: Role of statistics in improving development outcomes Integration of statistics into national and donor policy frameworks Statistics to improve aid effectiveness Need to support the design and implementation of NSDSs More financial and technical assistance, placed within the context of NSDSs (alignment and coherence) Donors should coordinate better and harmonise their demands for statistics with national systems

6 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 3. Statisticians and analysts in developing countries Key messages: Role of statistics to under-pin development progress Need to address the key priorities for statistics NSDSs to serve as a coherence framework for all national/ official statistics and statistical programmes NSDSs provide framework to coordinate donor programmes

7 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 4. Statisticians and analysts in OECD countries and multilateral development agencies Key messages: Role of statistics in development and of new priorities for statistics to under-pin development progress Importance of NSDSs as a coherence and coordination framework for technical assistance Donors should harmonise their demands for statistics and align them with national systems NSOs to provide more and better organised technical support to developing countries

8 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 Seven key messages Role and importance of statistics in improving development outcomes Evidence-based policy/ integration of statistics into policy frameworks Role of statistics for better allocation of resources and increased aid effectiveness NSDSs as a coherence framework Better coordination of donors Appropriate and sustained financing from national budgets More financial and technical assistance from donors, within context of NSDSs

9 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 Advocacy: pamphlets and leaflets Making the Case: National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Measuring Up to the Measurement Problem by Chris Scott Better Statistics, Better Policies, Better Development Outcomes

10 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 (1) Measuring the Change in World Poverty, (2) La Statistique au Service du Développement (3) Food and Agricultural Statistics in support of Development Order free copies from Advocacy: films

11 UNSD-SADC Steering Committee meeting, Durban, 14-16 July 2006 What other advocacy tools and activities are needed? We would be grateful for your views

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