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NATURAL RESOURCES. Make a list of renewable natural resources.

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Presentation on theme: "NATURAL RESOURCES. Make a list of renewable natural resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 Make a list of renewable natural resources

3 Is water a renewable or non-renewable resource?

4 Non-renewable resources Those resources that have a finite supply.


6 Nuclear Power – non renewable One of the most controversial yet productive forms of power sources.

7 Efficient power created from nuclear energy far outweighs the energy produced from any other power source. The USA receives about 15% of our electric power from nuclear. France gets over 70%

8 Nuclear power plants world wide. What problems might physical geography create? How do economics play a role in location of nuclear plants?

9 While providing a very efficient form of power, nuclear also has several drawbacks. Plants are very expensive to build due to the safety issues that have to be addressed.

10 The issue of disposal of nuclear waste has not been resolved. The “spent” material may continue to be radioactive and a hazard for thousands of years.

11 The most dangerous aspect of nuclear power is in the form of an accident and the sudden release of radioactivity over an area. An accident combining mechanical and human error at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant in Pennsylvania (mid 1980’s) has been the only “major” incident at US plants.

12 The world’s most serious accident occurred at Chernobyl, Ukraine in April, 1986. A combination of human error, equipment malfunction, and an intractable Soviet system combined to create a world-wide catastrophe.

13 An overheated reactor exploded, spewing radioactivity over a wide area of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and northern Europe.

14 Eventually a “sarcophagus” was built over the destroyed reactor to quarantine the radioactivity. The sarcophagus was built horridly with Soviet specifications. It is leaking today and could collapse. It will takes billions of dollars to repair properly. Money Ukraine does not have.

15 Financed by several countries and international companies, a new arch is to be built over the entire damaged reactor. Construction should begin soon.

16 Most of the workers at Chernobyl lived in Pripyat. The entire city was evacuated and is still off limits today. The Chernobyl region is virtually unpopulated today.

17 Since you have already read about fossil fuels, we will continue on with alternative energy sources. At this point in time, most aren’t cost effective in a large scale operation.

18 Hydro power Water has been used for thousands of years for power.

19 Hydro-electric power The are expensive to build Must be on waterways Drastically changes the landscape Barrier to fish migration A few dams have failed with catastrophic results Floods a large area Clean energy

20 Solar Power

21 Solar energy is one of the best renewable sources of power. In most cases it is used to heat homes and water. Negatives include cost and efficiency at this time. Many people consider the photo cells on the roof to be eyesores.

22 It can not produce massive amounts of power to be used by entire cities. The cost can be prohibitive.

23 WIND POWER Clean source of power. Is this new technology?

24 This may be one of the most promising new technologies to create power.

25 Negatives to wind power include the large area of land required to set up a large “wind farm.” They should be shut down when wind exceeds 20 mph so that they won’t turn over. A environmental hazard to birds is possible. The can be considered a blight on the landscape. Initial costs are very high.

26 There is no consensus on how we should obtain our power in the future. Your opinion is?

27 NEO-MALTHUSIANS -- The issue with population growth isn’t simply more food.

28 When the world economy rebounds, this rate of consumption in the countries with growing economies will put more pressure on resources. In a word, how will this affect YOU?

29 The issue for the future is resources.

30 As countries like China and India develop, they will want (and their increasingly affluent population will demand) a lifestyle similar to that in the “the West.”

31 How will we adapt?

32 Houston Area landfill What is the most effective means of dealing with solid waste? Name the most recycled solid waste

33 The most recycled item today is?

34 NIMBY –Not In My Back Yard

35 Topocide The elimination of a natural landscape ?

36 Sequence occupance

37 Debt for nature swap

38 Preservationist land use model The landscape is sacred. It must not be touched by humans.

39 Sustainability land use model Taking something from the land and replacing it with something else such as renewable resources.

40 Resources in conflict Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

41 Dams along the Nile River


43 Water can lead to issues between states and countries. Mouth of the Colorado River

44 Reservoirs and irrigation have diminished the estuary of the Colorado River.

45 The Huang He River in China is nearly dry by the time it reaches the yellow sea.

46 end Most of Australia is desert (the Outback.) How is Australia able to “move” water to locations to regions that need it.

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