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COPS SEPTEMBER 2014 UPDATE TO TAC 9/25/2014 Harika Basaran, Chair Tony Marsh, Vice Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "COPS SEPTEMBER 2014 UPDATE TO TAC 9/25/2014 Harika Basaran, Chair Tony Marsh, Vice Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 COPS SEPTEMBER 2014 UPDATE TO TAC 9/25/2014 Harika Basaran, Chair Tony Marsh, Vice Chair

2 2 COPS VOTING ITEMS for TAC from meeting on 09/10/14 LPGRR052, Change to Oil & Gas Assignment Process (Vote) –This Load Profiling Guide Revision Request (LPGRR) streamlines the Oil & Gas Flat Profile Segment Assignment Process by eliminating the need for ERCOT to validate for weather-sensitive Load on an Advanced Metering System (AMS). –On 9/10/14, COPS unanimously voted to recommend approval of LPGRR052 as recommended by PWG in the 8/25/14 PWG Report. The Consumer Market Segment was not present for the vote. COPMGRR037, Market Notification for Ad Hoc Invoices and COPMG Cleanup (Vote) –This Commercial Operations Market Guide Revision Request (COPMGRR) updates the Commercial Operations Market Guide (COPMG) to reflect current market practices and proposes changes to market communication for ad hoc Invoices, aligning the COPMG with revisions proposed in NPRR618. –On 9/10/14, COPS unanimously voted to recommend approval of COPMGRR037 as recommended by CSWG in the 7/28/14 CSWG Report.

3 3 COPS discussion items: EPS metering Holiday Work Schedules (cont.) Settlement EPS meter data communication over long holidays. –ERCOT proactively reaching to TDSPs for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays when the ERCOT market will settle first time OD + 5. (From Don Tucker’s e-mail to MWG on 9/22/14). Per the Settlement Metering Operating Guides, the Saturdays during the 4 day holiday periods for Thanksgiving and Christmas will be scheduled work days requiring the resolution of: –communication issues. –meter events where there is a potential impact to data quality. –validation issues. –08. EPS Meter Holiday Work Sched 2014 (link for the presentation by ERCOT) (09/09/2014, ppt, 1.1 MB).08. EPS Meter Holiday Work Sched 2014 –Don Tucker sent email out to the Meter Working Group on 09/22/14.

4 4 CSWG from web-ex meeting on 8/25/14 CSWG will continue to meet via remote Web Ex conference calls unless issues warrant a in person meeting. CSWG will began two initiatives defined during July 28 meeting: –Market Notifications- work with ERCOT staff and identify improvements and/or requirements from ERCOT Market Notices. –Resettlements- Review the 2% rule and how reporting of Resettlements can be improved and/or enhanced. CSWG will resume meeting in October, September meeting will be cancelled. COPS thanks Jim Galvin of Luminant for all his many years of excellent leadership in CSWG. CSWG will be electing new Chair.

5 5 MISUG from meeting on 08/25/14 COPS Approved unanimously to authorize MISUG to file the following draft NPPRs for October PRS. 15 reports have been recommended for discontinuation/decommissioning MISUG has reviewed the 15 reports that have been recommended for discontinuation. Comments have been solicited from all working groups and subcommittees. Having had no comments, MISUG is proposing the following NPRRs, LPGRR, and NOGRR to decommission the following reports. –DRAFT NPRR, Decommission Market Report - Reliability Must Run Cost Data Deviation Requests/Responses. –DRAFT NPRR, Discontinuation of RUC Payments Made to Resources with Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) Annual Report. –DRAFT NPRR, Discontinue Profile Data Evaluation Report. –DRAFT NPRR, Discontinuation of Ancillary Service Requirement Methodology Assessment Report (Vote). –DRAFT NPRR, Discontinuation of the Long-Term Weekly Peak Demand Forecast, 36 Month Resource Capacity Report, and Projected Transmission Constraints for Medium Term PASA Reports. –DRAFT NPRR, Discontinue Backup Control Plan Submittal Results, Dispatch Instructions Compliance Metrics, and Backup Control Plan Test Dates and Results Summary Reports. –DRAFT NPRR, Discontinue Contingency List Changes Due to Weather Report. –DRAFT LPGRR, Discontinue Profile Data Evaluation Report. –DRAFT NOGRR, Delete grey boxes for Backup Control Plan Test Dates and Results Summary and Backup Control Plan Submittal Results.

6 6 MISUG: NOGRR084 Workshop – Daily Grid Operations Report (cont.) ERCOT Operations brought forward a list of data elements that MISUG agreed should be included in the Daily Grid Operations Report. –Some data were identified as unnecessary. –Additional data were proposed. Next Steps –Distribute list to working groups and subcommittees. –Further discussion at next MISUG meeting. –Draft language to reflect new requirements. –ERCOT is researching questions that came up in the workshop. Workshop was not well attended.

7 7 MISUG (cont.) Upcoming Project Efforts –Planning (POI) website will be decommissioned. Information will be archived or moved to the MIS, as appropriate. –SCR 775 (Dashboard display for LZ Indicative LMPs). MISUG will serve as the forum for the development and feedback for this project. –Market Reports True-Up is an on-going MISUG effort. Evaluate existing reports for usefulness and accuracy. Next Meeting: September 29, 2014 – WebEx only.


9 9 Questions?

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