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Published byRosamund Tucker Modified over 9 years ago
ANNUAL WORK PLAN & BUDGET (MID DAY MEAL SCHEME) 2011-12 Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh Directorate of Elementary Education Itanagar-791111
Arunachal Pradesh … is a hilly and mountainous state, situated to the extreme north-eastern most part of Indian Union. numerous rivers criss –cross the region and under dense forests of tropical to rhododendron. experiences humid and temperate climate. small and scattered habitations/villages with thin population across the State. Agriculture main occupation Backward transport and communication facilities.
Launching of the MDM Scheme MDM was initially launched on 15 th August,1995 in Arunachal Pradesh. Cooked meal to the Primary children from 2003-04. Cooked meal extended to the Upper Primary children from 2007-08.
No. of Institutions Availing MDM As on 31.12.2010 Type of School Primary Upper Primary PAB Approval Availed Availed Govt + LB Schools 19301930914914 Govt Aided Schools 32323838 EGS/AIE Centers 151715170000 Total34793479952952
No.of Children Availing MDM As on 31.12.2010 Stage PAB Approval No.of Children opting MDM Average No.of Children Availed MDM Primary 200347201855199942 Upper Primary 690957074768945 Total269442272602268887
PAB Approval vs Performance (Primary) As on 31.12.2010 MDM-PAB Approval for 2010-11 Performance No of Institutions No of Children No of worki ng days No of meals to be served No of Institu tions Total No. of meals served No of workin g days on which MDM is served Average No of children Availed MDM 347920034722044076340347927847974139199942
PAB Approval vs Performance (Upper Primary) As on 31.12.2010 MDM-PAB Approval for 2010-11 Performance No of Institution s No of Childre n No of worki ng days No of meals to be served No of Institu tions Total No. of meals served No of working days on which MDM is served Averag e No of childre n Availed MDM 95269095220152009009521022577014868945
No. of Cook-cum-Helpers engaged under MDM (A s on 31.12. 2010 ) Category wise CcH Male Female FemaleTotal SC000 ST450027007200 OBC000 Minority000 Others482500982 Total498232008182
Utilization of foograins during 2010-11 (Primary & Upper Primary) (In MTs) RicePrimary Upper Primary Allocation for FY 2010-11 4407.632280.14 Opening Balance 00 Lifted from FCI 2791.351541.59 Aggregate Qnty consumed at school level 2784.801533.89 Closing Balance as on 31.12.2010 6.557.70 %age utilization as per availability 63.33/63.267.61/67.3
Payment of Cost of Foograins to FCI 2010-11 ( as on 31.12.2010) ( Lakhs) ReleasesPrimary Upper Primary Allocation for FY 2010-11 249.03128.83 Central assistance Released by GOI 149.4384.84 Bills Raised by FCI 60.6943.18 Payment to FCI 17.4813.74 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2010 131.9571.74 %age utilization as per availability 11.716.2 Reason for less payment: Delay in affording budgetary support & concurrence from the State Finance Department.
Utilization of Central Assistance towards Transportation Cost, 2010-11 (Primary & Upper Primary) ( Lakhs) Transportation Cost Amount Allocation for FY 2010-11 13.80* Opening Balance 0 Central assistance Received 13.80 Expenditure13.43 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2010 1.67 %age utilization as per fund availability 97.3 * Adhoc allocation
Utilization of Central Assistance towards MME, 2010-11 (Primary & Upper Primary) ( Lakhs MMEAmount Allocation for FY 2010-11 35.93 Opening Balance 1.33 Central assistance Received 20.23 Expenditure15.14 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2010 6.42 %age utilization as per fund availability 70.2
Utilization of Cooking Cost during 2010-11 (Central & State Share) ( Lakhs) Cooking Cost Primary Upper Primary Allocation for FY 2010-11 1185.70612.68 Opening Balance as on 01.04.2010 0.066.82 Cooking Cost Released 676.70346.24 Expenditure643.40344.42 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2010 33.378.64 %age utilization as per availability 95.199.5
Utilization of Honorarium to Cook- cum -Helpers, 2010-11 (Primary & Upper Primary) ( Lakhs) Honorarium CcH Primary Upper Primary Allocation for FY 2010-11 594.00224.20 Opening Balance as on 01.04.2010 0.000.00 Honorarium Released 527.23132.27 Expenditure298.77112.75 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2010 228.4619.52 No.of Cook-cum-Helpers Engaged 59402242 %age utilization as per fund released 56.785.2
Utilization of Central Assistance towards construction of kitchen shed during 2010-11 (As on 31.12.2010) ( Lakhs) Total allocation during 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 Completed PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 40842450.4040842450.40
Utilization of Central Assistance towards procurement of kitchen devices during 2010-11 (As on 31.12.2010) ( Lakhs Total allocation during 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 Completed PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 2669133.452644132.2
Coverage under School Health Programme, 2010-11 No.of schools covered under SHP in 3 districts 135 No.of children covered under SHP 10310 Health Check - ups No.of schools covered 495 No.of children covered 33784 Deworming Tablets distributed No.of schools covered in 2 districts 54 No.of children covered 1050
State Level Steering Cum Monitoring Committee State Level Steering – cum- Monitoring Committee meeting was held twice under the guidance of the Chief Secretary on 05.05.2010 and 18.11.2010. Issues – effective monitoring and supervision for regular flow of foograins and cooking cost to schools for effective implementation of the MDM scheme. State Level Review meeting on implementation of the MDM Scheme was held on 17.07.2010.
Monitoring & Supervision Quarterly review meetings are held under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner of the District and Block level officers. District Administration held periodical review meetings and conduct inspections in Schools. Village Education Committees are actively involved in monitoring and supervising the implementation of MDM scheme at school level. Parents also supervise cooking at interval at school level. The State also intends to assign an NGO/ Institute of expertise to study the MDM scheme implementation in 2011-12.
Grievance Redressal Grievance Redressal Cells are set up in every District Education office and Directorate in October 2010. Grievance Redressal Officers appointed both at State & District level. Complaints are disposed at District & State level.
Capacity Building State level Orientation Training cum Workshop program organized for District level functionaries on preparation of Annual Plan and implementation of the MDM Scheme. Representatives from School Teachers also attended. The State intends to conduct orientation training of cooks- cum-helpers at Block level to impart skills on safety, hygiene, food preparation,etc.
Impact of the programme Enrolment significantly improved at Primary level. Retention rate at Primary & Upper primary stage improved. Children learn to maintain individual hygiene and peers learning. There is no social barrier while serving & taking Mid Day Meals. More than 8000 poor persons got some employment as Cooks.
Major Problems / Issues Non- availability of adequate food grains (rice) stock at FCI base depots /godowns in the district headquarters causes delay in the lifting of food grains at the district level. Delay in obtaining budgetary support & concurrence from the State Finance Department affects releases of funds to districts in time. Disruption of road communication during summers hinders movement and distribution of food grains to remotely located schools. Remoteness, hilly and difficult terrain hinder regular inspection and monitoring.
Proposals for the year 2011-12
No.of Working Days 2011-12 Total No.of days :366 Vacation days : 46 Holidays : 79 Total Holidays :125 Anticipated working days : 241 Other activities & Examination : 21 State proposal for MDM 2011-12 : 220
No.of Institutions Class I-VIII,2011-12 Type of Schools/Centers Primary Upper Primary Govt + LB Schools 1930 914 Govt Aided Schools 3238 EGS/AIE Centers 151700 Total3479952
No.of Children class I-VIII, 2011-12 StageEnrolmentProposal Primary201855 199942 Upper Primary 7074768945 Total272602268887
Requirement of Foograins,Cost of Foograins, Cooking Cost and Transportation Cost for 2011-12 ( lakhs) Components Primary Upper Primary Foograins (in MTs) 4398.732275.18 Cost of Foograins 248.50128.54 Cooking Cost (Central +state share) 1271.26656.78 Transportation Cost 131.9468.28 N.B: transportation cost @ of Rs. 300/- per quintal (flat rate ) instead of PDS rate.
Requirement of Kitchen-cum-store and Kitchen Devices for 2011-12 (Primary & Upper Primary) Requirement of Kitchen-cum-store and Kitchen Devices for 2011-12 (Primary & Upper Primary) Total No.of Schools (including EGS/AIE Centers) 4431 Total No.of Kitchen shed sanctioned during 2006-07- 2009-10 4084 No proposal for kitchen shed for 2011-12 0 Total No.of Kitchen Devices sanctioned during 2006-07- 2009-10 2669 Total No.of Kitchen Devices sanctioned in 2010-11 1951 No proposal for kitchen Devices for 2011-12 0 N.B: Kitchen sheds constructed for the last 3-4 years need major repairing.
Requirement of Cook-cum-Helper for 2011-12 School/Center No.of Cook-cum-Helpers (CcHs) Honorarium Amount (in lakhs) Working in 2010-11 No.of Addl CcHs required Primary5940152609.20 Upper Primary 224288233.00 Total8182240842.2 Reasons for Addl requirement: Enrolment increased substantially in Urban schools.
Budget Provision in the state Plan The State Government allocates Rs.100.00 lakhs in the Annual Plan as State share for MDM Scheme for the year 2011-12.
Requirement of MME fund for 2011-12 ( lakhs) A. School, Block, District level Recurring Expenditure 1. Provision of stationery items to 4431 schools 44.31 2. Provision of stationery items to 97 Blocks 1.46 3. Provision of stationery items to 16 districts 1.60 4.Replacement/repairing of cooking devices to 2400 schools 24.00 5. Procurement of LPG connections to 50 schools per district 80.00 A.1. Office expenses for MDM Cell at Directorate 1.00 Sub-Total152.37
Requirement of MME fund for 2011-12 ( lakhs) B. Management, Supervising / Training / Internal / External Monitoring & Evaluation 1. Salary/Remuneration of computer coordinator, Computer operator, District coordinators, Contingency staff at district/Directorate level. 33.54 2. Procurement of computers, computer accessories & furniture 10.00 3. Transportation/hiring vehicles, Traveling expenses & Contingencies 23.00 4.Office expenses on internet, telephone connection, fax, electricity, Media publicity, Development of Software/Website 34.20 5. Capacity building / training of officer & staff, Cook-cum-Helpers engaged in MDM 35.42 6. Community awareness Programme at Block/District level 11.52 7. Organizing School Health Programme at Block/District 16.00 8. Review meeting of Monitoring Committee 6.00 9. External Evaluation 15.00 Sub-Total184.56 Grand Total ( A+B) 336.93
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