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1 How are magnets made? By Lia, Julia, Gisel, Charley, Owen & Aidan.

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Presentation on theme: "1 How are magnets made? By Lia, Julia, Gisel, Charley, Owen & Aidan."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 How are magnets made? By Lia, Julia, Gisel, Charley, Owen & Aidan

2 2 Magnets

3 3 Magnets can lose their Magnetism.  Yes, it is possible for a magnet to lose its magnetism, there are three ways for this to happen.  -Heat: Ferromagnetic materials will lose their magnetism if heated above a point known as a Curie temperature. At this point the energy being put into the magnet from the heat will permanently disrupt the magnetic domains structure of the material.

4 4 Magnets can lose there magnetism continued…  -demagnetizing magnetic field: permanent magnets exhibit a characteristic called a called a coercivity, which is the ability of a material to withstand being demagnetized by an applied magnetic field.  -Shock: this really only applies to older materials such as magnetic steels and Alnico Materials; the mechanism creates corctivity means that they are susceptible to being demagnetized. If enough energy is transmitted through the material via shocks such as being dropped or hit with a hammer.

5 5 Magnets are made of:  Iron  Nickel  Cobalt

6 6 Electrons:

7 7 Why Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are magnetic.  Magnets are made of Iron, Nickel and Cobalt. There are electrons inside these elements that want to stick together, but in Iron, Nickel and Cobalt there are extra electrons that want to stick to the metal that you put the magnet against.

8 8 The manufacturing process.  Prepare the powdered metal.  Pressing the magnet into it’s shape.  Heating it to 70-90% melting point.  Annealing: Getting rid of your left over metal material.  Finishing to get a smooth surface.  Magnetizing.

9 9 Who made what?  Slide 1 was made by everyone.  Slide 2 was made by Charley Fitzpatrick.  Slide 3 was made by Owen Saff.  Slide 4 was made by Owen Saff.  Slide 5 was made by Aidan McLaughlin.  Slide 6 was made by Gisel Lopez.  Slide 7 was made by Julia Kubera.  Slide 8 was made by Lia Walsh.  Slide 9 was made by everyone.

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