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Fidel Castro BY: Greg Johnson. Information Fidel was a very rich man. He was also smart, His favorite subject was military history. Fidel attended a corrupt.

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Presentation on theme: "Fidel Castro BY: Greg Johnson. Information Fidel was a very rich man. He was also smart, His favorite subject was military history. Fidel attended a corrupt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fidel Castro BY: Greg Johnson

2 Information Fidel was a very rich man. He was also smart, His favorite subject was military history. Fidel attended a corrupt school. (The kids could buy the test answers) In 1947 Fidel forgot studying and through him self into politics.

3 Information In the summer of 1947 Fidel joined his 1 st foreign avenger, and got military training. In his 1 st mission he had to jump off the ship he was on and swim 8 miles across shark invested waters. After that Fidel kind of started his own group or mob.

4 Information On October 12 1948 Fidel married / Mirta- Diaz- Balart. They had a son on September 1 st 1949 Fidel was more focused on politics then on money. This upset his wife.

5 Information Around 1952 Fidel made a attempt to capture a military base so he could get weapons and other military supplies. It was a big fail he was captured and put on trial. Fidel said “ I do not fear prison.” Fidel planed to restore Cuba’s constitution of 1940.

6 Information On May 15 th 1955 Fidel was released from prison, then he went to Mexico. He immediately started to recruit people from Cuba, he brought them to Mexico and gave them military training. In 1956 Fidel bought weapons and a 56 foot yacht. On December 2 nd 1956 Fidel returned to Cuba.

7 Information 2 years and 1 month after returning to Cuba Fidel ruled it. Fidel did not win from war but through propaganda, disappearing of his rivals, and unremitting sabotage in the cities.

8 Information Fidel’s first attack on Cuba happened on January 17,1957. Fidel and 28 men attacked the a tiny garrison. He captured and burned it, taking guns, ammo, and food. It was the first rebel victory with no men lost.

9 Information All of the rebel’s strikes were on a small scale. American press built Fidel’s reputation. In March, 58 recruits came and joined the rebels.

10 Information On May 28, 1957 the rebels stormed the base at El Uvero west of Santiago, they capture a truck of supplies, which they needed badly. This attack showed that Fidel could defeat Cuba’s army. Fidel was as concerned with fighting as he was in politics.

11 Information Unexpectedly beginning on September America CIA started to channel Fidel 50,000 dollars. By the end of the year Fidel controlled a organized territory in sierra.

12 Information In this controlled area there was a mountain base with a hospital, leather workshop, butcher factory, cigar factory, and a issued mimeographed news paper. They slept in wooden shacks or hammocks and rarely bathed. They had long beards and wore scruffy olive drab uniforms.

13 Information The men got supplies through road less mountain by mule train, the supplies went through small villages that acted like look out bases, They spotted and strangers and suspicious activity. Weapons were hard to get up to the base because the Cuban army guarded the base of the mountain but they managed to get some weapons through.

14 Information Fidel turned Cuba into a dictatorship. Fidel might still be alvie today some people say that he is dead but no one is sure.

15 The End

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