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The Power of Conformity Ava Tutza and Kerry Ryffel.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Conformity Ava Tutza and Kerry Ryffel."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Conformity Ava Tutza and Kerry Ryffel

2 Background Conformity--behavior that adheres to the behavior patterns of a group Social norms--unspoken rules Until 1950s, no solid research Understanding differences helps predict behavior

3 Theoretical Propositions How powerful is the need to conform in influencing our behavior? Attitudes, ethics, morals, belief systems Perceptual conformity-- easier to systematically test

4 Method 3 different lines on one card Everyone answers correctly the first 2 times Shown a new set of card, everyone answers wrong What do you do?

5 Findings 75% went along with group’s incorrect consensus at least once Subjects conformed 1/3 of the time Correct 98% in individual answers

6 Recent Applications Cerwonka, Isabell, & Hansen, 2000 Why young adults have un-protected sex Mansfield et al., 2003 Men are less likely to seek help than women Bond & Smith, 1996 Cultures influence on conformity

7 Related Research Support- only need one person to resist conformity Commitment- if you like the group you’re more likely to conform Size- level of conformity affected by size of group Sex- women conform faster than men


9 Criticisms Length of line is trivial Can the results be extended to real life?

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