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Global Crossing’s IPv6 Service Global Crossing Japan Corp. Takuya Tanimura.

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1 Global Crossing’s IPv6 Service Global Crossing Japan Corp. Takuya Tanimura

2 2 Global Crossing’s IPv6 Activities Global Activities  IPv6 Network ( as of Nov. 2001 )  sTLA  Asia/North America/Europe Ipv6 backbone  Major Connections to IX’s  Japan: NSPIXP6  US : PAIX-6, TAP-6  Europe : AMS-IX-6  Goal is Global IPv6 Tier 1  IPv6 Service  Goal of providing Global IPv6 service by the third quarter of 2002  Introducing CI (Controlled Introduction) Service first in Japan/Asia

3 3 Asia Global Crossing’s IPv6 Service Leading Global Service Deployment  Test Service  Providing customer test space from May 2001  Offering IPv6 Tunneling Service  AGC CI Service  Covering all of Asia by Dec. 2001  Full coverage of all Asia area customers  Offering IPv6 Full route service (tunneling)  No additional cost (included in IPv4 service cost)  Native Service Introduction Plans  CI service beginning in the first half of 2002  Providing service within current IPv6 cost structures  Global Service Start  Simultaneous Global Service start in 2002

4 4 Global Crossing’s IPv6 Service Strengths  One of few Global IPv6 Tier 1 ISP’s  Covering Asia, North America and Europe with an IPv6 backbone  Directly linked to Global IPv6 backbone ISP’s (peering)  Offering Global IPv6 service (direct routing)  Broad Service Offering, Operations Experience  Global deployment from a base of results in Asia  Expansion of service prior to start  Offering Immediate Service Covering Asia’s Major Centers  Japan and Asia centered Traffic/Contents Handling  Asia’s first global service provision

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