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ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Differentiation Strategy Explained: Interest Inventories.

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Presentation on theme: "ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Differentiation Strategy Explained: Interest Inventories."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Differentiation Strategy Explained: Interest Inventories

2 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Differentiation Strategy: Interest Inventories Interest Inventories are tools to identify student interests in a variety of areas. Interest Inventories are not necessarily content related but may look at many different interest areas. Once these interests are identified learning experiences can be developed to provide opportunities for students to explore a facet of their area of interest.

3 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Differentiation Strategy: Interest Inventories Interest areas may include people or careers of interest to the student, or types of tasks students prefer. All Interest Inventories have the same goal – to know what is of interest to the individual student. Interest Inventories are available online, commercially or can be created for a specific situation by a creative teacher.

4 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories What do you think? Discussion: Have you created and/or used Interest Inventories in your classroom? What ideas can you share with the group about Interest Inventories in your specific classroom situation?

5 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Activity: Try it! Activity: Complete either the “Adult Interest Inventory” or “Inspiration” Inventory, then consider: Does this reflect what you enjoy? How might this information be used to nurture your interests in a learning situation? Could you create an Interest Inventory for students specific to your situation that might help you learn more about them?

6 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Ideas There are many different ways to find out about student preferences. Have students list some of their favorite things: books games places school subjects TV shows food holidays computer activity sports music animals thing to collect Can you think of anything else?

7 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd More Interest Inventories Ideas Have students brainstorm a list of writing topics. They can refer to the list as often as they wish for free choice writing activities or independent project ideas. starter sentences fascinating characters interesting events time periods fictional story ideas superheroes non-fiction topics interesting places

8 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Ideas Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory Use a checklist find out how you – and your students – prefer to learn. Linguistic Intelligence ("word smart") Logical-Mathematical Intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Spatial Intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence ("body smart") Musical Intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal Intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal Intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist Intelligence ("nature smart")

9 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Ideas Parents can give you great information about your students too! Try the “Things my child likes to do” from the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT) at The University of Connecticut

10 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Now What? How to use what you learned about students’ interests: Connect to students in a personal way by asking them about their hobbies, sports, music or drama performances Field trips Special speakers Journal writing topics

11 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Now What? Other ways to use Interest Inventories: Independent study topics oFor all students: Integrate your students’ interests into your curriculum by assigning independent study topics like a jigsaw activity. Each student learns more about a single facet of the topic and shares his research and information with the class. Everyone learns more! oFor some students: When compacting for students who have already mastered the core ideas of the unit, assign an independent study that runs parallel to the unit or adds depth to the topic everyone will be studying.

12 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Now What? Other ways to use Interest Inventories: Lesson and unit planning oKids love it when special accommodations are made for them. “This activity is for you, Jared, because I know you love maps.” oGrouping students according to interest or learning styles (homogeneous or heterogeneous, according to your preference) can improve cooperative learning activities. oVarying the use of modalities/intelligences in teaching and learning helps all students – special needs, English Language Learners, and gifted.

13 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Now What? Other ways to use Interest Inventories: Creating activities for choice boards, interest centers, stations and other learning opportunities oInterest is a strong motivator for students of all ages - it makes learning more fun! oConsidering intelligences and multiple abilities of students will help teachers create more appealing activities for students. oLooking at students as individuals will make students feel that school is relevant and personal.

14 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Now What? Other ways to use Interest Inventories: Make students conscious of their own interests and learning styles. Chart the inventory results and discuss them as a group. oStudents may become more tolerant of others who have different preferences and styles. oKnowing their areas of weakness may give students the courage to take risks to try something new. Everyone can support this kind of risk-taking. oStudents may develop leadership qualities in their areas of strength and may wish to assist others.

15 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Discussion What areas in your teaching can benefit from the use of interest inventories? How can using interest inventories assist you in reaching the needs of all learners in your classroom? Discuss how you might organize the information you receive from interest inventories so that it is easily accessible and usable. Discuss specific ways you might use the information from the inventories to adjust units, lessons and assignments.

16 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Consider inviting your coordinator of gifted services, principal, curriculum coordinator or other administrator to observe your students using Interest Inventories. Your observer can use the observation form found under Module Specific Planning Documents in the Facilitator Module.

17 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd Interest Inventories Resources Armstrong, T. (2000). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Association for Curriculum and Development: Alexandria, VA. Renzulli, J. S. (1997). Interest-a-lyzer: Family of instruments. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press. Winebrenner, S. (1992). Teaching gifted kids in the regular classroom. Free Spirit Publishing: Minneapolism, MN

18 ODE Javits Project: I-GET-GTEd More Interest Inventories Resources Renzulli, J. S., Rizza, M. G., & Smith, L. H. (2002). Learning styles inventory, version III: A measure of student preferences for instructional techniques. Technical and administrative manual. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press. Renzulli, J. S., & Smith, L. H. (1978). Learning styles inventory: A measure of student preferences for instructional techniques. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press.

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