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MTAC User Group 1 Task Team 14 Status Update. Overview of the Task Team 14 Task Team Title: ―Electronic documentation solution that enables verification,

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Presentation on theme: "MTAC User Group 1 Task Team 14 Status Update. Overview of the Task Team 14 Task Team Title: ―Electronic documentation solution that enables verification,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MTAC User Group 1 Task Team 14 Status Update

2 Overview of the Task Team 14 Task Team Title: ―Electronic documentation solution that enables verification, postage payment and IMpb tracking for Bound Printed Matter Parcels. Task Team Issue Statement: ―Currently, Bound Printer Matter parcels are supported in eVS for verification, payment and tracking including IMpb when using an eVS mailers permit only. However, the mailing (PostalOne!) eDocs do not support IMpb tracking or postage. The USPS mandate for electronic documentation to support IMpb on all packages claiming discounts by January 2013 makes this issue prevalent to mailers using mailing eDocs for this type of parcel. This task team is reviewing manufacturing, verification, acceptance, postage payment and IMpb tracking needs for Bound Printed Matter (BPM) parcels and recommend an electronic documentation solution(s). 2

3 Proposal A)This Task Team proposes that mailers should not be required to submit a separate Shipping Services File; instead, have the data extracted from the Mail.dat job submitted to PostalOne! Thereby, the Shipping Services will have the information available as soon as the Postal Services develops the capability. The Postal Service systems will need to be updated to process the BPM Parcels Mail.dat jobs for processing and tracking by PTS. ―Multi-piece parcels option will be implemented ―Updated Mail.dat job will be supported ―The Task Team also proposes that exceptions be provided in case this solution cannot be implemented by January 2013. B)This Task Team proposes that sometime in summer of 2013 a new Task Team be put together to evaluate/investigate and analyze the support for other relevant Mail Classes that fit this model. C)Mail.dat CRs ―USPS Proposed – Add Recipient Address to PDR ―TT 14 Proposed  Carrier Route to PDR  Extra Service – SFR updates

4 Status The task group accomplished the following and recommends closure of the task team: ―Documented Technical solution to provide verification, acceptance, payment and IMpb tracking for Bound Printed Matter Parcels. ―Recommended changes to IDEAllaince Specifications. ―Identified PostalOne business needs and submitted business needs. ―Requirements to be written for an upcoming/future release. 4

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