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Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission, Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title:

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission, Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title:"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission, Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Results to Assigned Tasks for TGD Update] Date Submitted: [10 January 2013] Source: [Seung-Hoon Park, Kyungkyu Kim, Chiwoo Lim, Hyunseok Ryu, Daegyun Kim and Won-il Roh] 1, [Byung-Jae Kwak] 2, [Jinyoung Chun] 3, [Marco Hernandez] 4 Company [Samsung Electronics] 1, [ETRI] 2, [LG] 3, [NICT] 4 Address [416, Maetan-3Dong, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 443-742, Korea] 1 Voice:[+82-10-9349-9845] 1, FAX: [+82-31-279-0813] 1, E-Mail:[] 1 Re: [.] Abstract:[Corresponding texts to assigned items to be agreed] Purpose:[To discuss channel model, synchronization and simulation scenario] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

2 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission Results to Assigned Tasks for TGD Update January 10, 2013 Samsung Slide 2,

3 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission Items to be Agreed  Common communication mode : All  Regulation : Suh-Wook Kim  Simulation scenarios & parameters for MAC : Shannon & Jin  Definition of latency (discovery, data) : Jiny & Ryu –Needs clear model of discovery  Channel model for licensed bands –700MHz : Shannon & Marco –Refer to 16m EMD (Evaluation Methodology Doc.) : Chan-ho & Marco –Others?: 16p (M2M) :Shannon  Security (Authentication & key management) : Jun-beom  States of the PD : Eldad  Synchronization : Shannon & Kwak  Relative positioning : J.Kim, Slide 3

4 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission Channel Model  Channel model for public safety –700 MHz at North America –TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) already define path-loss models for public safety Free-space Bacon : proposed in EPT/DMO PTG 010. designed for use in flat, open areas. CEPT SE21: proposed in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329-6. –Refer to ETSI TR 102 300-3 V1.3.3, Slide 4

5 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission Channel Model  802.16p (M2M) –No specific channel model –Existing channel model of 16m EMD is reused.  Request to update of ITU-R P.1411 –Rev. 6 is the latest one “Propagation between terminals located below roof-top height at UHF” is defined for 300-3000 MHz. –Current path-loss in TG8 channel models doc. (DCN12-459-r3) Assumes the model within street canyons or over roof-tops for cellular model. –For the case of that transmitter is base station and receiver is mobile station. –These models are not applicable to PD-to-PD scenario., Slide 5

6 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 6.2. Synchronization  Candidate text for sub-clause 6.2. –“IEEE802.15.8 may operate in synchronous or asynchronous mode. When IEEE802.15.8 is operating in synchronous mode, a PD shall maintain synchronization among synchronized PDs during the limited time.” –[Comment] Synchronous mode can support of low duty cycling of discovery and high throughput of data transmission, but with more protocol overheads due to network dynamics. Asynchronous mode can support more simple system with low protocol overheads, but the supportable type of PD may be restricted due to high power consumption., Slide 6

7 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 9.5. Simulation scenarios & parameters (MAC)  Scenarios & parameters for just PDs –This sub-clause is described for discovery phase. –Simulation condition, Slide 7 PD deploymentUniform drop in 500m 2 area Interference modelWrap-around (1-tier) TrafficFull buffer Simulation time10 sec Long-term fading - Pathloss: Propagation between terminals located below roof-top height at UHF from ITU-R P-1411-6 - Log-normal shadowing with 10 dB deviation Short-term fadingNot considered. Carrier frequency2.4 GHz Channel bandwidth20 MHz Maximum TX. power20 dBm Tx/Rx antenna gain-2.5 dB Rx noise figure7 dB Receiver sensitivity-76 dBm The number of OFDM tones48 OFDM symbol length12 usec PHY modeQPSK, 1/2 coding rate Discovery ID length256bytes (referred from the maximum length of email address) Discovery ID transmission period1 sec

8 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 9.5. Simulation scenarios & parameters (MAC)  Scenarios & parameters for just PDs –Performance metric The number of discovered PAC IDs during simulation time Time (TX, RX, IDLE) ratio (to assess power consumption), Slide 8

9 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 9.5. Simulation scenarios & parameters (MAC)  Scenarios & parameters for PD links –This sub-clause is described for communication phase (including unicast, multicast, broadcast, groupcast). –Simulation condition, Slide 9 PD deployment - PD Transmitter : Uniform drop in 500m 2 area - PD Receiver : with a specific distance from PD Transmitter as follows: 5 m link distance (40%) 10 m link distance (30%) 20 m link distance (20%) 40 m link distance (10%) Interference modelWrap-around (1-tier) TrafficFull buffer Simulation time10 sec Long-term fading - Pathloss: Propagation between terminals located below roof-top height at UHF from ITU-R P-1411-6 - Log-normal shadowing with 10 dB deviation Short-term fadingNot considered. Carrier frequency2.4 GHz Channel bandwidth20 MHz Maximum TX. power20 dBm Tx/Rx antenna gain-2.5 dB Rx noise figure7 dB

10 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 9.5. Simulation scenarios & parameters (MAC)  Scenarios & parameters for PD links –Simulation condition (cont’d), Slide 10 Receiver sensitivity-76 dBm The number of OFDM tones48 OFDM symbol length12 usec PHY mode Perfect rate adaptation with target PER 0.01 (according to 802.11a/g Extended rate PHY OFDM modulation mode) Packet length100 symbols (by assuming 4800bytes@12Mbps(QPSK,1/2)) No.ModulationCoding RateData Rate (Mbps) 0BPSK1/26 1BPSK3/49 2QPSK1/212 3QPSK3/418 416QAM1/224 516QAM3/436 664QAM2/348 764QAM3/454

11 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 9.5. Simulation scenarios & parameters (MAC)  Scenarios & parameters for PD links –Performance metric Areal sum throughput [bps/km 2 ] PER (Packet Error Rate) Jain’s fairness index Latency [sec], Slide 11

12 doc.: IEEE 802. 15-13-0013-00-0008 Submission 9.5. Simulation scenarios & parameters (MAC)  Proposed reference system –For calibration and convenience of comparison –Simplified IEEE802.11g Most of parameters are borrowed from IEEE802.11g The following condition is proposed for simplicity, Slide 12 Discovery, Multicast, GroupcastUnicast RTS/CTSDisableEnable NAVDisable ACK/NACKDisableEnable CSMA/CANo increase of CW*Exponential increase of CW* Carrier Sensing Enable CWmin2424 2424 CWmax-2 10 Retry CountDisable * CW (Contention Window)

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