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CHANNEL TUNNEL!!!!!! BY JAKE. FAB FACTS!!! 1.The channel tunnel is 31.4 miles long and it’s the 11 th longest tunnel in the world 2.The project costs.

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Presentation on theme: "CHANNEL TUNNEL!!!!!! BY JAKE. FAB FACTS!!! 1.The channel tunnel is 31.4 miles long and it’s the 11 th longest tunnel in the world 2.The project costs."— Presentation transcript:


2 FAB FACTS!!! 1.The channel tunnel is 31.4 miles long and it’s the 11 th longest tunnel in the world 2.The project costs £4.65 billion now a days it costs £12 billion 3.The channel tunnel opened in 1994 4.13000 people was employed 5.10 workers were killed, 8 being British 6.Graham Fagg and French man,Phillippe Cozett met in the middle and shook hands on December 1 st 1990 7.The tunnel was dug 50 meters bellow the seabed the lowest point is 75 meters 8.There is 3 tunnels 2 for trains and 1 for engineers and repairs 9.11 boring machines were used to dig the tunnel which one of them is still under the sea 10.The freight carriages were to small, so they redesigned them for the lorries. As the lorries were getting damaged

3 MORE COOL FACTS!!! 1.The shuttle trains are 775 meters long the same as 8 football pitches 2.It takes 35 minutes to travel the length of the tunnel in a train 3.Construction took 6 years 1988-1994 4.3 types of trains go through the tunnel, 1. freight 3, passengers Eurostar

4 THE PLANNING STAGES OF THE CHANNEL TUNNEL!!! 1802- French engine Albert Mathieu proposed an under ground road for horse drawn carriage to use to get from England to France. 1856- French surveyor Aime Thome de Gamond went to Napoleon III suggesting a railway to be built, but it didn’t go any further. 1980- French and British leaders came together and invited different company's to come up with ideas fore an international link. Ideas included a bridge, holding road in a tube shaped cover, a drive through tunnel and the high speed link. 1988- Once the decision was made they started construction. They started digging from France and Britain at the same time. Boring machines were used to dig through lots of stone and soil every day. The machines used pressure water jets and large cutters. The soil and stone from the British side was put together to make Samphire Hoe at Dover. In France they made a hill PTO

5 1990- A French man and an Englishman shook hands through a hole, connecting the two tunnels. 1994- The project was finished and Queen Elizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterrand opened it in may 6 th 1994.

6 Eurotunnel shuttles, Eurostar and national freight trains that run on two single tracks and single direction. In the middle of the 2 tunnels there is a smaller tunnel for maintance. Service tunnels are every 375m. Service tunnel is a road tunnel that is used by electric and diesel powered vehicles. Cooling pipes, fire mains, signalling equipment and cables are fixed to the side of the tunnel and are fed by cooling plants at Samphire Hoe in the UK and at Sandgatte in France.

7 CHANNEL TUNNEL!!! 7.6m in diameter 30m apart from each other Each rail tunnel is a single track with over head line equipment They have two walk ways through the tunnel for maintence. The service tunnel 4.8m in diameter Lies between the two tunnels 15m away from each of them

8 When traveling from France to UK they would use the south tunnel. They use the North tunnel from UK to France. When travelling on the channel tunnel the trains are unable to turn on the tracks. The train line has an under ground circle (loop) at both ends. As shows on picture below

9 FOLKESTONE AND COQUELLES TERMINAL!!! Coquelles terminal near Calais is one of the largest land-travel complexes in Europe. Covering an area of 650 hectare and 23km long perimeter. Folkestone terminal covers 150 hectare area. 1/3 of the French terminal in size. The whole of the Euro tunnel system is controlled at the rail control centre. There are 2 of these. One in UK, one in France. They take in terns automatically, to run everything. The transport system is run automatically controllers are there 24hrs a day, in case they need to take over. There is a substation at each end to run the tunnels, If a power cut happens, the substations at each end can take control of it all. So if UK sides power fails, the French side will take over.

10 FREIGHT TRANSPORT Euro tunnel freight is the most convenient and cost effective way of transport. They operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Euro tunnel They run 19 freight shuttles 745m long Each one can carry up to 32 trucks Travel up to 140Km/Hr Lorry drivers have a separate access to both euro tunnel terminals, separate from passengers. FACT Lorry drivers are not allowed to stay in their lorries when the freight trains are in transport they have to leave their lorries, get into a coach and taken to the club car, which is at the front of the train. It has 46 seats for the lorry drivers when in France, they them get back on the coach back to their lorries

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