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Our Region is Evolving ASREN’s Update, e-AGE 2012, Dubai Salem Alagtash presented in- depth study about the status of the e-Infrastructure across the.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Region is Evolving ASREN’s Update, e-AGE 2012, Dubai Salem Alagtash presented in- depth study about the status of the e-Infrastructure across the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Region is Evolving


4 ASREN’s Update, e-AGE 2012, Dubai Salem Alagtash presented in- depth study about the status of the e-Infrastructure across the Arab region

5 ASREN’s Update, e-AGE 2013, Tunis Yousef Torman presented the regional update based the recent developments in the region.

6 ASREN’s Update, e-AGE 2014, Muscat The Evolution of ASREN’s Region - Oman: Nasser Al Mandhari, OMREN Sponsor and Deputy Director of IT, TRC - Algeria: Aouaouche El-Maouhab, Director, ARN - Bahrain: Abdulla Althawadi, BahREN - Egypt: Ahmad Hassan, General Manager, EUN - Jordan: Nabil Shawaqfeh, Chairman, JUNet - Lebanon: Walid Karam, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Telecommunications - Libya: Ahmed Al-Kilani, ICT Advisor to MOHE - Morocco: Redouane Merrouch, Director, MARWAN - Palestine: Irene Makhoul, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bethlehem University - Qatar: Hassan Al-Derham, Vice President for Research, Qatar University - Somalia: Dahir Hassan Arab, CEO, SomaliREN - Sudan: Sami Salih, CEO, SudREN - Tunisia: Habib Youssef, General Director, CCK - UAE: Fahem Al Nuaimi, CEO, Ankabut - Yemen: Khaled Basulaim, Managing Director, YCIT-HE - Arab Region: Yousef Torman, Co-Managing Director, ASREN, Jordan

7 Algeria Algerian Research Network – ARN Aouaouche El-Maouhab, Director of ARN

8 Bahrain Bahrain Research and Education Network BahREN

9 Comoros

10 Djibouti

11 Egypt Egyptian Universities Network – EUN Dr. Ahmad Hassan, General Manager, EUN

12 Iraq Ministry of Higher Education

13 Jordan Jordanian Universities Network – JUNet Prof. Nabil Shawaqfeh, Chairman, JUNet

14 Kuwait

15 Lebanon National Center for Scientific Research – CNRS Walid Karam, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Telecommunications

16 Libya Ministry of Higher Education Ahmed Al-Kilani, ICT Advisor to MOHE

17 Mauritania

18 Morocco Moroccan Academic and Research Wide Area Network - MARWAN Redouane Merrouch, Director, MARWAN

19 Oman Oman Research and Education Network - OMREN Nasser Al Mandhari, OMREN Sponsor and Deputy Director of IT, TRC

20 Palestine Palestinian Research and Education Network - PalNREN Irene Makhoul, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bethlehem University

21 Qatar Qatar National Research and Education Network - QNREN Hassan Al-Derham, Vice President for Research, Qatar University

22 Saudi Arabia SARInet Under trhe Internet Service Unit At King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)

23 Somalia Somali Research and Education Network – SomaliREN Dahir Hassan Arab, CEO, SomaliREN

24 Sudan Sudani Research and Education Network – SudREN Sami Salih, CEO, SudREN

25 Syria

26 Tunisia Al Khawarizmi Computing Center - CCK Habib Youssef, General Director, CCK

27 UAE UAE Advanced Research and Education Network Ankabut Mohammad Mabrouk, Manager, Network Operations, Ankabut

28 Yemen Yemen Center for Information Technology in Higher Education - YCIT-HE Khaled Basulaim, Managing Director, YCIT-HE

29 Arab Region Arab States Research and Education Network ASREN Yousef Torman, Co-Managing Director

30 Thank You

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