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The Key to Success is GRIT!. What’s Grit ?  Perseverance  Determination  Passion  Going the distance despite set-backs.  Focusing on winning the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Key to Success is GRIT!. What’s Grit ?  Perseverance  Determination  Passion  Going the distance despite set-backs.  Focusing on winning the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Key to Success is GRIT!

2 What’s Grit ?  Perseverance  Determination  Passion  Going the distance despite set-backs.  Focusing on winning the Marathon, not the sprint.

3 1. Know Your Outcome  Where are you headed?  What is your big Why? When your REASON or PURPOSE is not strong enough, you wont achieve your goals. Your Dream

4 2. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals Create goals that are:  Specific  Measured  Achievable  Relevant  Timed IS YOUR EYE ON THE TARGET?

5 3. There is NO failure – only FEEDBACK ! If it’s not working - TRY SOMETHING ELSE ! Options Different CHOICES NEW Perspectives Other Approaches What else?

6 4. What you THINK becomes your WORDS which determines your ACTIONS.

7 5. What you FOCUS on is what you GET.  Are you focused toward or away from your GOAL?  Is your DIRECTION of travel the same as your focus of attention?



10 8. What’s Holding You Back?  WHO do you need to BE  WHAT do you need to DO ……to achieve your desired outcome ?  Get Real and Be Honest  Get SUPPORT from your Team Leader and Peers.

11 9. Make it FUN!  Be CREATIVE and NOVEL  What ENERGY are you projecting?  POSITIVITY is attractive and helps to build RAPPORT.  Acknowledge and CELEBRATE your wins – big and small.

12 10. What are YOU communicating?

13 11. How Can you SERVE your customer?  When your customer achieves THEIR goals, you achieve YOUR goals.  What’s important to your customer?  DubLi is a tool for achieving personal and business goals.  Don’t deny your customers the opportunity.

14 Grit for Success …. 1.Know Your Outcome 2.Set your SMART Goals 3.There is NO FAILURE – only FEEDBACK ! 4.THOUGHTS -> WORDS = ACTIONS 5.What you FOCUS on is what you GET 6.MOTIVATION comes AFTER ACTION 7.PHYSIOLOGY creates PSYCHOLOGY 8.Get HONEST - What’s Holding you back? 9.Have some FUN! 10.Positive ENERGY creates ATTRACTION 11.Help OTHERS, and you HELP yourself.

15 What are you waiting for? TED TALK - The Key to Success - Grit  Take ACTION  Get some GRIT  And feel the MOTIVATION to ACHIEVE your DREAMS More info Email or visit

16  Personal Transformation  Life Skills and Strategies  Enhanced Communication and People skills  Strategies for more Empowered Living  Clarity around your Purpose and Direction in life  Creative Perspectives for Inspired Living or Certified Life Practitioner

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