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Web Applications on the battlefield Alain Abou Tass.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Applications on the battlefield Alain Abou Tass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Applications on the battlefield Alain Abou Tass

2 About me Security Consultancy at Ward Solutions Previously in Banking Security A couple of Masters degrees Ethical Hacker Involved in Penetration Testing Web Application a number of years.

3 Purpose Advanced attacks using known attack vectors. Combined Attacks using multiple attack vectors Not XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection, Parameter Tampering etc

4 Penetration testing Identifying vulnerabilities Reporting

5 Combined Attacks

6 Scenario 1: Bypassing Account Lockout Customer assumed no brute force due to account lockout policy (lock out after 5 attempts), and password requires 8 characters.

7 Username enumeration + weak password policy Account Registration: username - minimum 4 characters password – minimum 8 characters Login page: Account Lock out after 5 attempts Indication if user exists

8 Scenario 2 – Persistent compromise of corporate LAN using internal intranet XSS can be used to compromise a LAN even if application is not open to internet. Generally XSS on internal applications => not a high issue (e.g. intranet). Insert Java Script (XSS) to intranet using a CSRF attack.

9 Stored XSS and CSRF Logged in CSRF: Update profile and inject Java Script Attack Malicious Website Only available internally

10 Scenario 2 –Defeat anti-CSRF with XSS JS SpaceHero Worm “…but most of all, Samy is my hero”

11 Samy’s profile: Java script injected Get valid Anti-CSRF token - Add Samy as a friend - Update profile - Inject the same Java script 1 2 3 4 Samy

12 Scenario 3: SSRF SSRF - Server Side Request Forgery attacks. The ability to create requests from the vulnerable server to intra/internet. Method of targeting internal services Example

13 Scenario 4: XSPA (Cross Site Port Attack) XSPA (Type of SSRF)

14 Scan the intranet scan.php XSPA

15 Scenario 5: Open proxy (SSRF)

16 Scenario 6: Unrestricted file upload + local file inclusion

17 File Upload: Web Shell

18 ln –s /etc/passwd passwd

19 Other attacks The billion laughs vulnerability (XXE DOS) OS injection (ping) Second order XSS and SQLi WAF evasion Business logic flaws

20 Movies vs Real life

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