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Marshall McLuhan Life and Career By Hannah Kunert.

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1 Marshall McLuhan Life and Career By Hannah Kunert

2 Early Life 1.Born Herbert Marshall McLuhan on July 21st 1911, in Edmonton Alberta 2.Older brother of Maurice McLuhan 3.Father served in the Canadian Army, but contracted Influenza and was sent home after one year of service 4.Family moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1915 5.Attended the University of Manitoba in 1928 “Money is the poor man’s credit card”

3 University 1.MA in English at UManitoba 2.BA from Cambridge University after failing to obtain Rhodes scholarship funding for Oxford 1.Studied under IA Richards at Cambridge (psychologist/literary critic) 2.Tutored by FR Leavis (inspiration for The Mechanical Bride) “The trouble with a cheap, specialized education is that you never stop paying for it”

4 Post Grad 1.Taught at the University of Wisconsin for one year (1936/1937) 2.Converted to Catholicism and joined Jesuit faculty at University of St. Louis 3.Married Texas drama student by the name of Corinne Keller Lewis and had a total of six children 4.Returned to Canada and taught at Assumption College in Windsor briefly 5.Taught at University of Toronto for the remainder of his teaching career “Today each of us lives several hundred years in a decade”

5 Published Works 1.1951: The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man 2.1962: The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man 3.1964: Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man 4.1967: The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects 5.1968: War and Peace in the Global Village 6.1970: From Cliché to Archetype 7.McLuhan’s work was also featured in countless magazines, newspapers, etc. “One of the nicest things about being big is the luxury of thinking little”

6 Additional Accomplishments 1.Co-Editor of Explorations magazine: 1954-1959 2.Chairman of Ford Foundation Seminar on Culture and Communication: 1953- 1955. 3.Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada: 1964. 4.Companion of the Order of Canada: 1970. 5.Christian Culture Award, Assumption University: 1971. 6.President’s Cabinet Award, University of Detroit: 1972. “The answers are always inside the problem, not outside.”

7 1.In September of 1979, McLuhan suffered a stroke which affected his ability to speak 2.Died December 31st, 1980 at the age of 69 3.Posthumously named the patron saint of Wired Magazine “Tomorrow is our permanent address”

8 “I may be wrong, but I’m never in doubt.”

9 Works Cited Gordon, Terrence. "Biography 2 - Marshall McLuhan." The Official Site of Marshall McLuhan. July 2002. Web. 04 May 2010.. "Herbert Marshall McLuhan." The Official Site of Marshall McLuhan. Web. 04 May 2010.. Life, 1. "Marshall McLuhan." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 May 2010..Marchand, Phillip. "Biography 3 - Marshall McLuhan." The Official Site of Marshall McLuhan. July 2002. Web. 04 May 2010..

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