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Published byBriana Haynes Modified over 9 years ago
Ghislain Roy presenting work of C. Carli, A. Garonna, D. Abler D. Kuchler, V. Toivanen, S. Myers, M. Dosanjh, S. Schuh, A. Garcia Torrico, and many others OPENMED – ex-BioLEIR MSWG – 23 October 2015
OPENMED A Biomedical facility at CERN, to provide particle beams of different types and energies to external users for radiobiology and detector development, and to allow iterative experimental verification of simulation results.
Background and context 2012 brainstorming meeting: “community call for a dedicated radiobiological research facility” Concepts presented and discussed, e.g. in Brainstorming Meeting on LEIR in 2012Brainstorming Meeting on LEIR in 2012 Proof of principle also presented, e.g. in global feasibility study (Abler et al.) and study of transfer line (Abler et al.)Abler et al. Need to go beyond this initial work and establish a coherent proposal based on solid requirements and assumptions Should reflect the views of a “community” and not of a single institute CDR is basis for initial approval of a project Then a Technical Design Report, following R&D and detailed technical studies, is basis for construction. A CDR is also the fruit of a Collaboration, whereby several institutes elaborate the concept together.
Introduction - Motivation Need for radiobiological research with ion beams: Protons and Carbon ions in clinical use Improved dose distribution, but limited understanding of all effects Other ions than p and C could be better suited (for certain cases) Incoherent sets of data (radiobiological and clinical) observed under different conditions New dosimetry and imaging modalities to be developed for full potential of ion beam therapy Radiobiology: cell survival for different ions/LET/doses, bystander effects, RBE … Detector Development: in-beam prompt gamma/PET imaging, radiography, … Physics: fragmentation, … Lack of Beam-Time for ions with an energy of more than 50 MeV/n: Nuclear physics laboratories (e.g. GANIL, GSI, INFN LNS, ITEP, JINR …) Limited beam time available Ion Beam Therapy Centers (HIT, CNAO, MedAustron, PSI, …) Limited range of ions (p, He, C, O) Priority given to clinical use (treatments, dosimetry, quality assurance …)
CERN accelerators
LEIR Part of the SPS and LHC injector chain, Gets heavy ion beams (Pb 54+ ) from Linac3, Accumulates and accelerates heavy ions, Delivers heavy ions to the Proton Synchrotron. Heavy Ion program at LHC and SPS is very important at CERN, but is not active all the time; only a few weeks per year, not counting future proposals but OPENMED could use the rest of the time! No other machine required … minimum impact on other CERN programs Energy reach of LEIR appropriate for radiobiology experiments Fully stripped 12 C or 16 O up to 240 MeV/n with present main power supply And up to 430 MeV/n (magnet limit) with a new main power supply Limitations from radiation protection ? (higher energy with higher Z/A for light ions) Success of initial brainstorming meeting organised by M.Dosanjh demonstrates interest and usefulness of facility
LEIR and Linacs Linac 3 Linac 2 Linac 4 LEIR South Hall
LEIR Circumference ~78 m => energy reach suitable for studies of interest for hadrontherapy Transfer tunnel Proposed new extraction and extraction line
OPENMED modifications Transfer lines - from Linac3 - towards the PS Injection line Ejection line for PS transfer New ejection channel LEIR shielding wall New transfer line to experiment PS shielding wall Source (H 2 + -- 8+ O), Linac front end, Linac, Transfer line, Slow Extraction, Beamlines, Experimental area, Dump, Shielding, Ancillaries…
Ion source Need separate source for light ions and heavy ions Choice of source independent of injector option ECR ion source would probably deliver the highest particle currents, with lots of operational experience in different existing facilities, and being commercially available. EBIS could be interesting if fast changes of particle types are requested. Supernanogan by Pantechnik
Define source characteristics (intensity, charge state) from irradiation requirements Identify range of light ions that can be produced with intensity & charge states Sources under consideration: Pantechnik Supernanogan AISHA (LNS Catania) Install & characterize a test source Intensity and charge states Fast switching of ion species Operability Ion source Collaboration opportunity with INFN
Light ion front end To avoid interference with the heavy ion physics program a new light ion front end is also needed Four options have been studied 1. Linac3 extension 2. High Energy RFQ 3. New Linac 4. Cyclotron With limited resources we could follow up with only one of these options.
Front end choice Decision: new linac option Start technical design of a “Linac5” and related beam dynamics studies Could site a Linac5 in Linac2 building after Linac4 has been connected Integration with other CERN studies/projects Fully complementary offer of hadrons with L4, L3 and L5 all connected to the rest of the complex Beam parameters must be determined based on user request And remember that operation with light ions can trigger serious radiation issues
Injection Transfer Line Design of the transfer line between LINAC5 and LEIR - Preserving existing transfer lines from LINAC3 to LEIR (heavy ions) and LINAC4 to PSB (protons) - Minimum of new elements Integration / Planning issues
Transfer Lines and LEIR Do not jeopardize the heavy ion program No change to Linac3-LEIR transfer line No major change to LEIR machine Except: New power supplies for some elements main bends operationally limited to 4.8 Tm, i.e. C 6+ @ 250 Mev/u; design limit is 6.7 Tm i.e. 440 MeV/u some power supplies in transfer lines might limit the ability to quickly change from light to heavy ions New slow extraction system
Slow extraction Detailed studies taking 12 C 6+ reference ion at energies 430 Mev/u and 20 MeV/u Additional septa must not reduce acceptance for heavy ion accumulation Determines position of septa: ≈ - 45 mm for electrostatic septum and ≈ - 55 mm for magnetic septum Local orbit bump required around septa (otherwise most ions lost at other places as e.g. the magnetic septum for the fast ejection towards PS) Quad driven extraction + Easy to implement - Intensity Fluctuations - Varying beam parameters during spill Easier to Implement RF k nock-out extraction + Smooth spill with fast on/off + Constant beam parameters during spill - New hardware to be installed Better beam quality Collaboration opportunity with HIT
Beam Lines Hor. @ 440 MeV/u Vert. @ 70 Mev/u Pencil Beam : 5-10mm FWHM Broad Beam : 50 x 50 mm 2 Field uniformity of better than 90% 4 bends 12 quadrupoles Wobbling or scanning devices ?
Beam Lines Design the common extraction transfer line Design 3 final beam lines 1 vertical beam line (going up, 70 MeV/u) 1 horizontal beam line (440 MeV/u for clean cell work) 1 horizontal beam line (440 MeV/u for more technical, less clean work) Field Uniformity: cutting out large fraction of beam outside Gaussian core, but radiation protection and beam stability to be studied. Folding the distribution with octupoles Collaboration with Huddersfield University, UK
Potential RP Issues LEIR First calculations already Expect high radiation levels … roof shielding? Should be refined with updated information (particle fluxes, vacuum chambers and magnets, additional lines ….) New access point for operation with lighter ions ? Beam stopper moved into EE line must be compatible with lighter ions in LEIR “Linac5” Neutron production with 4.2 MeV/u light ions? May have serious impact on the safety aspects of Linac Beamlines: vertical line going up ! Specific shielding ? Ambient dose rates around LEIR loosing 2.5 10 7 O ions per seconds at E k =250 MeV/n Ambient Dose-Eq Rate [μSv/h]
Radiation Protection Study all aspects of radioprotection for the OPENMED facility and necessary shielding implementation Investigate necessity of a shielding roof over the LEIR accelerator for light ion operation Study impact of stray radiation from PS on OPENMED Shielding requirements for the transfer lines Study of necessity of a beam dump in end user station & radiation protection requirement Study neutron activation at the end user station Provide FLUKA simulations for nuclear safety & beam characteristics Study dosimetry requirements in the enduser station Access control requirements for the enduser station Collaboration with Huddersfield University, UK
Experimental Area Target station and biolab to be defined and constructed Patient treatment and live animal studies are excluded Live cells and other samples must be accommodated Sample preparation and handling requirements ? Operational issues linked to lifecycle of samples (fridges, incubators) ? Regulatory issues ? Provision of generic sample mount – possible robotic placement system Imagery and diagnostics ? Study of provision of an X-ray irradiation control Provision of generic detector mount for dosimetry/BI detector R&D Collaboration with University of Oxford, UK
Beam Instrum. and Controls Beam quality on delivery Beam homogeneity over large areas (octupoles or other strategies) Beam scanning and rastering (hardware and controls) Provision of local experimental control Control of extracted beam Position: limit unwanted wobbling Intensity: ions/s, or dose equivalent ? feedback on dose delivered ? Instrumentation for very low fluxes and/or very diluted beams… Specific controls issues ?
Status and conclusions Demand exists for radiobiological research with ion beams For studies required for a better understanding of phenomena relevant for hadron therapy And which are not satisfied by existing installations (physics labs and hadron therapy centers) Proposal to upgrade LEIR (moderate effort) ECR source and “Linac 5” front end selected Detailed studies have started, and will include integration studies Requires clear users’ requirements LEIR modifications fairly clear and within reach Slow extraction; needs some HW design, use of spares and integration Upgrade of main bends + transfer line power supplies Radiation protection issues (Linac to end stations) need to be addressed and will likely have serious impact (e.g. roof over LEIR)
Status and conclusions Beamline design needs more work Depends also on users’ requirements Experimental areas, BI, CO, integration starting to be addressed Operational scenarios should also be envisaged between potential users and accelerator specialists required instrumentation and handles… Aim to have a comprehensive descriptive document by end of 2016 covering the entire facility from source to end stations.
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