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Budget Information Session January 28, 2009 Sizing Up the Challenge Our Approach Questions and Answers Timeline and Next Steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Information Session January 28, 2009 Sizing Up the Challenge Our Approach Questions and Answers Timeline and Next Steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Information Session January 28, 2009 Sizing Up the Challenge Our Approach Questions and Answers Timeline and Next Steps

2 Governor’s Budget The Size of the Challenge Cuts of 17% in the second year of the biennium A tuition increase would reduce that to 12% Gap of $4.1 million in 2010 and $6.5 million in 2011 (after tuition increases)

3 Governor’s Budget The Size of the Challenge Likely worse in the final budget from the legislature Our budget planning is at 10 and 15 percent 84% of our budget is salaries and benefits so position cuts will be required

4 Budget Principles  Budget decisions should reflect the college’s commitment to teaching and learning in interdisciplinary/interactive programs and courses for a diverse community of students, faculty and staff. At the same time, we need to focus on the needs of current and future students.

5 Budget Principles  Ask what activities and services must continue to be accomplished within the context of a small public liberal arts college (determining what is essential to our mission).

6 Budget Principles  Cuts should be prioritized rather than attempting to evenly distribute the entire reduction amount across-the-board.  Evergreen is not an island. There are issues beyond the college’s control.

7 Budget Questions and Answers

8 Budget Timeline January to early February – VPs continue gathering info and develop more detailed budget scenarios February – VPs compare scenarios across divisions and develop recommendations

9 Budget Timeline March –VPs share draft recommendations with campus community before finalizing –Campus community provides input and feedback –VPs refine, make recommendations and present to President April 27 – Scheduled end of legislative session

10 Budget Timeline Early May – VPs and president make final adjustments to recommendation based on legislative decisions and forward to Trustees for review and approval July 1 – Budget takes effect

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