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O you who believe: Fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims. Hold fast, all of you, to the Rope of Allah and do not be divided,

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Presentation on theme: "O you who believe: Fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims. Hold fast, all of you, to the Rope of Allah and do not be divided,"— Presentation transcript:


2 O you who believe: Fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims. Hold fast, all of you, to the Rope of Allah and do not be divided, and remember Allah's blessing upon you, for you were enemies and he brought your hearts together until you became brothers by His blessing, and you were on the edge of a pit of fire and He saved you from it. In this way, Allah clarifies His signs to you that you be guided. (Quran 3 102-103)

3 fear an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm is calld fear. Youth fear or ephebiphobia Young people are sensitive to the public's perception of their age group, they say. They resent generalizations suggesting all teens cause trouble. However, teens themselves are subject to fear of their peers Many admit being afraid, at times, of even going to school. (A 1993 survey of 65,000 teens showed that 37

4 Typs of young fear f youngAs much as there are several potential triggers to your fear, there are also as many types of fears. However, they can be categorized into three basic fears: external, internal, or subconscious. Among the three, the subconscious and internal type of fear are most difficult to find treatment to because the person must take the initiative to recognize the source of fear and take necessary steps to overcome it. Recognizing the category in which your fears fit into will help you know how to deal with it. External Fear Among the types of fear, this one is the easiest to diagnose and manage. It is similar to phobias wherein an outside source elicit a degree of internal fear or any manageable level of anxiety. For example, fear of spiders or fear of heights are among the most common phobias that several people share. A feeling of fear, anxiety or discomfort is experienced by the person with that particular fear when the situation confronts them with those triggers. Since the source of fear is easier to identify, then one can easily look for alternative ways in which to confront that trigger and overcome fear. Since external fears are often caused by negative experiences in the past involving those external sources of fears, you can adapt some techniques that will help you understand the reality of the situation. Hypnosis or some other psychological methods are employed in order to erase any previous negative associations with these objects or creatures that elicit fear.

5 Internal Fear This type of fear is closely associated with low levels of self esteem or confidence. But like with external fear, the triggers are coming from an outside source and yet it produces a negative emotion. This trigger will then produce internal reactions or fears such as self doubt or questioning one's capability to do something. Most often, when people begin to question their own abilities, failure is inevitable. This type of fear often impacts one's ability to interact with the social environment. If you want to conquer internal types of fear, you often have to go back at your childhood years wherein character development is at its peak. This is the stage in people's lives wherein they build characters and develop fears. Some people seek professional help that enables them to adapt a new perspective in life and change any behaviors that produce such insecurities and fears.

6 Subconscious Fear This type of fear is produced by accepted beliefs in your mind that serve to limit your potentials and worse, could end up in self sabotage. This one is somewhat associated with the internal type of fear wherein you have the tendency to question your capacity to achieve something. Thus, the tendency for self doubt and negative self talk. This one requires you to take active steps towards reversing those beliefs and enable you to maximize your potential.

7 Causes of fear in youngs Violence Overwhelmingly, students at Newton High point to violence and racism in school as their primary concerns. Their fears closely parallel the concerns expressed by teens nationwide. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, teens are more than twice as likely as adults to be victims of violent crimes. Still, teenagers are most commonly perceived by the public as perpetrators of crime, according to an Oct. 1993 Gallup/CNN poll. Adults actually commit more crimes, statistics show; but criminal activity by youth, increasingly armed and more violent, invokes more fear, the poll showed.

8 social phobia. With social phobia, a person's fears and concerns are focused on their social performance — whether it's a major class presentation or small talk at the lockers. People with social phobia tend to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable about being noticed or judged by others. They're more sensitive to fears that they'll be embarrassed, look foolish, make a mistake, or be criticized or laughed at. No one wants to experience these things. But most people don't really spend much time worrying about it..

9 Governmental policy Decision-making by government agencies, including public schools, policing and courts, have been found to be driven by the fear of youth. [63] The fear of adolescents has been said to cause a disjunction between what is said about the value of young people and what is done to them in education and social services, and causes them to be seen, "primarily as threats - to persons, to institutions, to status quo." [64] A number of observers have indicated the deliberate perpetuation of mass social ephebiphobia in order to elicit particular public and social responses. Americansociologist Mike Males has identified trends among politicians and policy- makers of stoking the fear of youth among society in order to make headway in political campaigns and build popular support for otherwise "generate media sensation and public fear." [65] Similarly, the fear of youth has been identified as the driving factor behind many governmental programs designed to combat so- called "youth violencegovernmentpublic schoolspolicingcourts [63]status quo [64]AmericanMike Malespolitical campaigns [65]

10 Education Examining the Black Power movement of the 1970s, one researcher wrote, "The common adult dislike and fear of youth is compounded by the teacher's fear — fear of losing control in the classroom, fear of losing one's authority." [71] A specific increase in the fear of youth in schools following the Columbine High School massacre of 1999 is seen as a particular cause in evidence suggesting an overall decrease in student engagement throughout high schools today. [72] Fear of youth has led to the development of zero tolerance policies in many schools, [73] which in turn is attributed as the cause of the increase in arrests for juvenile crime on school campuses, which has promoted the fear of youth and led school administrators to call police for infractions once dealt with internally. [74]Black Power [71]Columbine High School massacrestudent engagementhigh schools [72]zero tolerance [73]juvenile crimepolice [74]

11 Affect. How It Can Affect Someone's Life With social phobia, thoughts and fears about what others think get exaggerated in someone's mind. The person starts to focus on the embarrassing things that could happen, instead of the good things. This makes a situation seem much worse than it is, and influences a person to avoid it. avoid avoidance Some of the ways social phobia can affect someone's life include:.

12 How to over come the fear 1 Start by acknowledging it. It's easy to ignore or deny our fears, even to ourselves, in a society that stresses the importance of being strong and brave. But courage can't come into play unless you have a fear to face down. By owning your feelings you've taken the first step toward gaining control over the situation.Name your fear. Sometimes fear makes itself known immediately, clearly, and other times its more difficult to name the cause of those anxious feelings lurking in the back of your mind. Let your fear rise to the surface and give it a name.



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