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Politics and Power. 2 “Politics” social process rivalry & cooperation making of a decision binding on a group  POLITICS is a social process involving.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics and Power. 2 “Politics” social process rivalry & cooperation making of a decision binding on a group  POLITICS is a social process involving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics and Power

2 2 “Politics” social process rivalry & cooperation making of a decision binding on a group  POLITICS is a social process involving rivalry and cooperation culminating in the making of a decision binding on a group.

3 Defining Characteristics of Politics making of decisions for groups 1.Involves the making of decisions for groups of people exercising power 2.Decisions are made by some members of the group exercising power over other members of the group – Power – Power = ability of one person to cause another to what the first wishes, by whatever means Manifest: based on observable action Implicit: cannot be observed

4 Political Power Power is not identical to politics, but it is a key ingredient Means by which power is exercised: – Coercion: force a person to do something he/she does not want to do – Persuasion: convince someone that it is what he/she really wishes to do Power enables the carrying out of policies and decisions – Construction of Incentives: make the alternative look so unattractive that only one reasonable option remains

5 Political Power Theory Biological Biological –it’s in human nature to form social groups with “dominance hierarchies,” but humans often do not obey authority Psychological Psychological – shows how humans behave in various situations, asserts that the behaviors are innate; however, there tend to be some who violate norms Cultural Cultural – argues that much human behavior is learned, derived from our culture Rational Rational – people form governments because it is a rational thing to do; we need institutions to help us survive Irrational Irrational – argues that people are emotional, moved by myths and stereotypes Composite Composite – elements of all these explanations have some truth

6 The Power & Politics of Every Group BUT Government Each group will be assigned a group –The Family –The Classroom –The Company –The Club/Social Group Your TASK is to identify HOW these groups exercise power and are therefore “political” to their members. »This is an exercise in thinking! »Be realistic! Give others an “a ha” moment. »You will share your work with the class!


8 Key Political Concepts Regarding Power Legitimacy – Mass feeling that the government’s rule is rightful and should be obeyed Authority – A political leader’s ability to command respect and exercise power, relying on a sense of obligation based on legitimate power of office Sovereignty – A national government’s being boss on its own turf, the last word in law in that country

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