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EXTENSIONS OF THE SPANISH TSA. REGIONAL ESTIMATES. 7 th International Forum On Tourism Statistics Stockholm 9-11 June 2004. Agustín Cañada

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1 EXTENSIONS OF THE SPANISH TSA. REGIONAL ESTIMATES. 7 th International Forum On Tourism Statistics Stockholm 9-11 June 2004. Agustín Cañada Rafael Roig Jesús Prado

2 2 Extensions of the Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Regional estimates. Economic significance of tourism in Spain. (Source WTO) Arrivals of international tourists in 2002 ( million): France……………............ 77.0 Spain ……………............. 51.7 United States….................. 41.9 Tourism revenues in 2002 (billion U$D): United States…………...... 66.5 Spain…………………...... 33.6 France………………......... 32.3

3 3 Overnight stays in collective accommodation (million) 2002 Accommodation Occupancy Survey (INE) Overnight stays< 11<Overnight stays<55<Overnight stays<10Overnight stays>10 ResidentsNon-residents

4 4 National Statistical Programme  INE (National Accounts) Basic features: *STSA linked to the National Accounts of Spain:  Ensures the compatibility with ESA95 methodology.  Facilitates the integration of tourism within the context of the Spanish economy. *Should be a flexible system:  Annual estimates  National accounts  Regional estimates  Regional accounts  Short-term estimation system  Quarterly accounts Extensions of the Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Regional estimates. ESA 95

5 5 Methodological aspects: *Selection of the variables:  Spanish TSA:  Demand variables (tourism consumption, GFCF, General Government collective consumption).  Supply variables.  Interrelation supply and demand.  Other relevant variables (employment).  Regional estimates:  Demand variables (  GFCF,GGCC ).  Employment. Extensions of the Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Regional estimates.

6 6 Methodological aspects: *Approaches for the regional allocation:  Bottom-up approach:  Regional estimates  national estimates  Regional estimates are based on information on resident units.  Advantage: it directly uses relevant sources at regional level.  Disadvantages: consistency among data from different regions is not guaranteed.  Top-down approach:  National estimates  regional estimates.  Advantage: less amount of information is required.  Disadvantages: it does not use direct information form the resident units. Extensions of the Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Regional estimates.

7 7 Spanish TSA Regional Accounts Regional TSA Demand sources Supply sources Supply and demand regional sources National Accounts ESA 95

8 8 Extensions of the Spanish Tourism Satellite Account. Regional estimates.

9 9

10 10 Ratio< 70 70< Ratio < 120 120< Ratio<180 Ratio > 180 132,5 131,8 105, 9 314,8 220,1 198,5 129,0 86,0 89,0 140,7 106,4 116,4 30,4 134,5 85,2 37,0 100,7 22,5 121,4 101,0 90,4 95,6 90,8 279,8 180,1 264,0 93,1 130,8 196,8 119, 0 30,1 113,8 85,5 33,9 158,0 7,8 Ratio = 100* (overnight "received"/overnights "emitted") Accommodation services Second residence

11 EXTENSIONS OF THE SPANISH TSA. REGIONAL ESTIMATES. 7 th International Forum On Tourism Statistics Stockholm 9-11 June 2004. Agustín Cañada Rafael Roig Jesús Prado

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