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A simple example HELLO Hi there! Type in: hello. YourBot responds with: Hi there!

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Presentation on theme: "A simple example HELLO Hi there! Type in: hello. YourBot responds with: Hi there!"— Presentation transcript:

1 A simple example HELLO Hi there! Type in: hello. YourBot responds with: Hi there!

2 Symbolic Reduction HI HELLO Some statements/questions are essentially the same in meaning as others tag = “same response as if”

3 Random answers HOW ARE YOU Awful Fine Not too bad How are you?

4 Pattern matching Wildcards I DON’T LIKE * That’s crazy. I think is wonderful. User: I don’t like having my teeth pulled. Bot: That’s crazy. I think having my teeth pulled is wonderful.

5 Wildcard matching I PREFER * OVER * I disagree. is much better than. User: I prefer Ford over Holden. Bot: I disagree. Holden is much better than Ford.

6 Storing information Can store information with : MY NAME IS * Hello.

7 Using stored information and retrieve information with WHO AM I I believe your name is

8 That YES DO YOU LIKE MOVIES Let’s go to the movies then Bot: Do you like movies User: Yes Bot: Let’s go to the movies then

9 Think Suppresses output from being printed on screen I AM FEMALE Thanks for telling me your gender. female

10 Condition I AM BLOND You sound very attractive. handsome.

11 Changing person Very useful in paraphrasing what the user says person2 swaps 1 st (“I”) and 2 nd person (“you”) around I AM * What do you mean, ? User: I am very happy to meet you. Bot: What do you mean, you are very happy to meet me?

12 Nonverbal Behaviour Put {EMOTE xxx} into your responses to trigger facial expressions where xxx is a valid facial expression You can queue multiple expressions within the EMOTE statement {EMOTE xxx yyy zzz} You can increase the duration of each expression {EMOTE xxx 0.5} Expression extended by half a second!

13 Valid Expressions (+ Default Length) absent (5.0 sec) anger (1.5 sec) bigeyes (1.0 sec) biggrin (3.0 sec) bigsad (4.0 sec) blink (0.2 sec) bliss (2.0 sec) brows (1.2 sec) downeyes (1.0 sec) downnod (0.8 sec) fear (1.5 sec) frust (2.0 sec) grin (1.5 sec) happy (2.0 sec) insulted (2.0 sec) leftblink (0.2 sec) leftbrow (2.0 sec) lefteyes (1.5 sec) lemon (3.0 sec) longkiss (3.0 sec) neutral (0 sec) rightblink (0.2 sec) rightbrow (2.0 sec) righteyes (1.5 sec) sad (2.0 sec) shock (1.5 sec) shortkiss (0.3 sec) sleepy (5.0 sec) surprise (1.0 sec) upeyes (1.0 sec) upnod (0.8 sec) wink (1.0 sec) wonder (2.0 sec) yeahright (5.0 sec)

14 EMOTE Caveats {EMOTE} can be defined anywhere in a chatbot response, but… {EMOTE} will always play an expression from the beginning of the response …or from the last {BREAK} statement! {BREAK 0.5} will pause the speech for 0.5 seconds (NB: you do not have to specify a time; zero is default) Any {EMOTE} after a {BREAK} will play after this pause

15 EMOTE Examples SMILE AND FROWN FOR ME {EMOTE happy 1.0 sad 1.0} SMILE FOR ME WHILE TALKING Okay, I will do that. {EMOTE happy 1.0} SMILE FOR ME AFTER TALKING Okay, I will do that. {BREAK} {EMOTE happy 1.0} SHOW ME SOME EMOTIONS {EMOTE bliss} {BREAK} Did you feel like this? {BREAK 0.5} Or is this what you feel? {BREAK} {EMOTE anger} {BREAK} Make up your mind!

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