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Objective To expose participants to strength based Mental Model focused on helping a person served to Thrive Activity & Shout out.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective To expose participants to strength based Mental Model focused on helping a person served to Thrive Activity & Shout out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective To expose participants to strength based Mental Model focused on helping a person served to Thrive Activity & Shout out

2  * Our focus is about enriching a person’s life as an alternative to our historical approach of eliminating & managing those actions that have been labeled as inappropriate like target behaviors.  *The purpose of our service/supports is to assist in improving a person’s quality of life  * Our role as service providers & caregivers is to develop relationships that will assist people served to believe in their skills & abilities

3  A primary purpose of our supports is to assist a person being served to feel safe & develop confidence.  The role of our profession is to strive toward improving a person’s self-esteem while assisting them to experience an improved quality of life.

4  Great supports show appreciation, provide respect & focus on strengths  My good day activity

5  Objective:  To introduce participants to the MAGIC INGREDIENT (positive relationships) that supports Thriving  Dick and Rick video

6  This includes: people we serve, co-workers, employees & supervisors:  Frequently share your appreciation for everyone  Let everyone know you value them  Practice compliments & appreciation  white boards & note card activities

7  1. It sends the message that a person needs fixed or cured  2. It sets the stage for confrontations & power struggles  3. It creates a culture where power, control & coercion are acceptable methods  4. It serves as an easy out to justify compliance plans & aversive consequences in the name of behavior technology  5. It serves to justify the use of punishment & restraint as a helping solution.

8  Objective:  *To introduce staff to the fundamentals of supportive relationships  Being appreciated  Being values & respected  Being surrounded by allies  Being healthy & having needs met  Having power & control over daily decisions and daily life activities  Having adequate skills to assist with coping & problem solving

9  Activity on index cards… -Why are these fundamentals so important? 1- What do they mean? 2- Why are they important? 3- How can you make it happen?

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