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Collective Simran.... “For a Sikh, simran and seva are the spiritual right and left hand. As a Sikh, you must do both to keep a balance. These are like.

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Presentation on theme: "Collective Simran.... “For a Sikh, simran and seva are the spiritual right and left hand. As a Sikh, you must do both to keep a balance. These are like."— Presentation transcript:



3 Collective Simran.... “For a Sikh, simran and seva are the spiritual right and left hand. As a Sikh, you must do both to keep a balance. These are like the two wings of a bird - the bird must use both otherwise it will not be able to fly.”

4 What is seva??? “Selfless Service” TASK: There are three varieties of seva, can you guess what they are using the picture clues....... Physical: Taan Mental: Maan Material: Dhan

5 What is this? “Seva is the soap of humility”

6 WE ALL HAVE WINGS OF KINDNESS WE have to use our invisible wings to help people and be kind How can we help people and be kind?

7 Seva in Sikhi TASK: Hands up if you know what seva each of these Guru Sahibs did?

8 Singhs in the Yellow Pages....

9 Seva Group Task: Hands many different types of seva can YOU name.

10 Seva Group Task: On your poster paper draw as many types of seva as you can...........

11 Who is this? Bhagat Puran Singh Ji Background  4 June, 1904 - 5 August, 1992  Died aged 88  Based in Amritsar, India

12 Where is Amritsar?

13 A life of Nishkam Seva  Mother: Mehtab Kaur  No wife  Gurughar seva with mother  Naam

14 Role of a mother On your heart post it note draw: 1.What you’ve learnt from your mum or dad 2.What your mum and dad do for you on a daily basis. 3.What seva YOU can do for you parents?

15 Piara Singh What’s a piggyback?

16 Who is this? Florence Nightingale

17 Pingalwara In 1947, Bhagat ji founded the institute called Pingalwara meaning "the home of the crippled"

18 What things DO YOU own?

19 Bhagat Ji’s Things......

20 pavan guroo paanee pitaa maataa Dharat mahat. divas raat du-ay daa-ee daa-i-aa khaylai sagal jagat. (SGGS ang.8) Air is our Guru, water our father, and great earth is our mother; Sri Guru Har Rai Ji Maharaj developed Kiratpur Sahib as a town of parks and gardens One should be careful – a responsible person should be careful not to hurt anyone/thing and have love, compassion and justice Think back.....which Guru Sahib inspired us to serve nature and animals????

21 Environmentalist  Wrote lots about the environment in the 1940s

22 Litter

23 Environment “My mother taught me to provide water to the animals, plant trees and water newly planted saplings, offer feed to the Sparrows...”

24 Planting trees/flowers  "All Punjabis should sow trees of "Bohar"(Banyan), "Pippal" and "Neem", which are essential to our eco-system."

25 What seva of the environment can we do???? TASK: On your leaf draw ways we can serve the environment. Think about what Bhagat Ji says.....

26 Family Seva

27 Biography


29 Qualities of a Pure Sevadar? Do you know who this is???? What qualities did he have???

30 The Kanhaiya Principles SERVE SELFLESSLY: TREAT ALL EQUALLY: SERVE WITH COMPASSION & LOVE THE FIVE WEAPONS: The Five Weapons to destroy the five internal Thieves - Deep level of Compassion (Daya), Complete compliance to Truth (Sat), Inner Contentment (Santokh), Overflowing Humility (Nimrata) and Total Love (Pyar).

31 It isn't seva, if your heart and soul aren't in it. It isn't seva, if it isn't done with honesty and truth. It isn't seva, if you believe that mediocrity is all that is expected of you, and that you needn't do more. It isn't seva, if it's for building your CV. It isn't seva, if it is meant to be a stepping stone to bigger and better things. It isn't seva, if you need to tell others, now or later, that you did it. It isn't seva, if lack of appreciation by others, or their criticism, drives you away. It isn't seva, if you believe that it is your right to do it. It isn't seva, if you have to fight against others to do it. It isn't seva, if you snatch it away from another, to do it. It isn't seva, if you begin to believe you're the best one to do it. And, it isn't seva, if it distresses you that others take credit for what you've done. The essence.....

32 What can YOU do with your blessed hands? On your orange sheet; TASK 1: Fill out your details TASK 2: Draw an outline of your hands TASK 3: DRAW seva you can do


34 Right or Wrong Stand up for RIGHT Sit down for WRONG

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