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WHO FOOD LAW COURSE FOOD HYGIENE LEGISLATION. 14 EU Directives on Products of Animal Origin  Fresh meat  Poultry meat  Meat products  Minced meat.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO FOOD LAW COURSE FOOD HYGIENE LEGISLATION. 14 EU Directives on Products of Animal Origin  Fresh meat  Poultry meat  Meat products  Minced meat."— Presentation transcript:


2 14 EU Directives on Products of Animal Origin  Fresh meat  Poultry meat  Meat products  Minced meat  Milking hygiene  Milk and milk products  Egg products  Rabbit meat and farmed game meat  Game meat  Fishery products  Fishing vessels  Live bivalve molluscs  Gelatine, Frog’s Legs and Snails  Trichina examination

3 EU DIRECTIVE ON NON-ANIMAL ORIGIN FOODS  Council Directive 93/43 on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs

4 EU DIRECTIVES ON PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN  Many Directives  Inconsistent requirements  Prescriptive

5 General hygiene Directive (93/43)  New approach – less prescriptive –risk based  HACCP requirement  Provision for microbiological criteria and temperature controls  Introduced guides to good hygiene practice

6 General Hygiene Directive (93/43)  Covers ‘all stages’ of food chain  Specific requirements for processing rooms  Less onerous requirements for movable and temporary premises  Requirement for food hygiene training of food handlers

7 REVIEW OF ALL EU FOOD HYGIENE DIRECTIVES  Major review of both animal origin and non-animal origin directives  Aim to bring earlier Directives into line with approach in 93/43  Aim to put all directives in one document  Will be a Regulation (direct application in law of MS) not Directive  Retain specific rules for products of animal origin; but consistent

8 REVIEW OF EU HYGIENE DIRECTIVES: KEY OUTSTANDING ISSUES  exclude supply of small quantities by primary producers to final consumers and local shops or restaurants?  extend HACCP requirement to primary producers?  Whether to require approval of establishments? (large majority say no)

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