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Atrial fibrillation and subcutaneous monitoring : Will it change our daily practice ? Aymeric MENET Lille January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Atrial fibrillation and subcutaneous monitoring : Will it change our daily practice ? Aymeric MENET Lille January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atrial fibrillation and subcutaneous monitoring : Will it change our daily practice ? Aymeric MENET Lille January 2016

2 No Disclosure

3 What we knew before the subcutaneous monitoring 0123456789 0,3-0,71à23-45-68-912-1414-1818-20 20-22 Thromboembolism risk/year in AF without treatment = CHADS2VA2SC Aspirin = ↓ 22% Oral Anticoagulants = ↓ 66% Risk of thromboembolism x 3-5 Risk of death x 2, HF, Dyspnea, QoL

4 Risk of stroke according to the FA type Friberg, Eur Heart Journal 2010 Paroxystic vs permanent Hart, JACC 2000 Intermittent vs permanent

5 Risk of stroke according to the FA type Vanassche, Eur Heart Journal 2015 Paroxystic vs permanent But Asymtomatic AF is very frequent Bad detection with Holters (AF > 5min) -44 % si Holter 24h, -50% si Holter 1 semaine -65% si holter de 1 mois Botto GL, J Cadiov Imaging 2009

6 What we learned from the subcutaneous monitoring Burden of AF and stroke Temporal link between AF and stroke

7 1) AF burden and ThromboEmbolic risk YearStudy Stroke / year rate (n) N (n en AF)Cut-off 2003MOST0,6 vs 2 (10)312 (160)5 min 2005Cappuci et al1,9 (14)743 (743)24h 2009TRENDS1,1 vs 2,4 (40)2486 (1389)>5.5h 2009Botto2,5 (14)568 (568) 5 minutes – >24h 2012 Shunmagan (CRT) 2 (11)560 (224)>3,8 h 2012ASSERT 0,69 vs 1,69 (51) 2580 (261)6mn – 18h 2014 SOS AF project (TRENDS, PANORAMA, Clinicalservice) 0,32 vs 0,67 (95) 10 016 (4306)1 h Few events≈ 40 %AF In PM and IAD

8 5min1h6h12h24h 6min53min3.6h 17.7h 0.32% 0.43%0.67%0.44% 0.69%1.23%1.18%0% 4.89% SOS AF Project (Trends, Panorama, clinical service), n= 10 016 (95) ASSERT, n= 2580 (51) Healey, NEJM 2014 AF burden

9 Boriani, Eur Heart Journal 2014Botto, J Cardiovasc Electrophy 2009 2 AF burden

10 Risk of stroke according to the FA type Vanassche, Eur Heart Journal 2015 Paroxystic vs permanent CHADSVASC 0-1 + FA parox = 0.8% stroke/year

11 Boriani, Eur Heart Journal 2014Botto, J Cardiovasc Electrophy 2009 DONC: 1h si CHADSVASC >0 5minutes si CHADS2>1 Conclusion In silent AF and patients with pace maker of defibrillator CHADS2VAS2C 0 => no anticoagulants CHADS2VAS2C ≥ 2 => anticoagulant if AF > 5-6 minutes CHADS2VAS2C 1 => anticoagulant only if AF> 1h (18h), paroxystic ?

12 Can we stop the anticoagulation ? Is AF a cause of stroke, or an associated factor? 2) Temportal link between AF and TE

13 IMPACT study (n=2718) Endpoint: TE + bleeding Randomized: Intermittent AOC vs continuous AOC Population: Implantable defibrillators Martin, European Heart Journal 2015

14 6 month before TE

15 Atrial fibrillation may be a marker of more generalized « atriopathy » 1/3 1/3 1/3 prior >30 days prior <30 days after

16 Rôle of Atriopathy ? Akoum, J Cadiovascular Electrophysiol. 2013

17 Conclusion: How subcutaneus monitoring does change our daily practice 1. AF burden and silent AF with PM or IAD : early detection CHADS2VAS2C 0 => no d’anticoagulants CHADS2VAS2C ≥ 2 => anticoagulant if AF > 5-6 minutes CHADS2VAS2C 1 => anticoagulant only if AF > 1h, 18h, paroxystic ? 2. Few temporal link between AF and stroke

18 Expecting : REACT.COM study Randomized: Intermittent AOC vs continuous AOC Population: AF and CHADS 1/2 Randomized: Intermittent AOC vs continuous AOC ?

19 YearStudy: n TE (n in AFAF prior > 30 days AF prior < 30 days After only 2009TRENDS: 40 (26)9 (35%)11(42%)6 (23%) 2012ASSERT: 51 (26)18(69%)8 (31%) 1/3 1/3 1/3 prior >30 days prior <30 days after

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