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1 Timothy 2:8 (NKJV) 8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;

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Presentation on theme: "1 Timothy 2:8 (NKJV) 8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Timothy 2:8 (NKJV) 8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;

2 Questions on Worship I Timothy 2:8

3 Questions on Worship Last week we laid the foundation for some topics/questions we wish to cover We found that worship must be: – Right – Decently/Orderly – Promoting Learning/Encouragement

4 Handclapping One such practice that we see is the clapping of hands in worship There are some who may wonder if it has a place in the worship of the church There are generally 2 places that clapping is seen during a worship service…

5 Handclapping 1. During singing – Notice that the command in the NT is to sing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16-17) – Clapping is not singing – Law of exclusion (Ex. Gen. 6:14; Lev. 10:1-2; Lord’s Supper)

6 Handclapping 1. During singing – Clapping does not teach or admonish (Col. 3:16) – If clapping is okay, then what would keep one from using a drum? – What then do we call clapping?

7 Handclapping 1. During singing – Aid vs. Addition – An aid helps us to follow the command to sing (songbook, song leader, etc.) – An addition adds to the command as something extra (clapping, instruments, etc.)

8 Handclapping 2. Following baptism, etc. – First, I would ask, what is the purpose? – Society does it to praise a performer or express gratitude or approval of individual (concert, awards, honors, etc.) – Is there some scriptural precedent?

9 Handclapping 2. Following baptism, etc. – Handclapping is mentioned 12 times in the Bible (all in OT) – 8 of the 12 mentions are negative – 2 of the 12 mentions are figurative (Ps. 98:8 – rivers; Is. 55:12 – trees)

10 Handclapping 2. Following baptism, etc. – 1 of the 12 mentions are for an earthly king – So then what would the conclusion be? – Clapping lacks scriptural precedent or authority and really has no place there in OT or the NT

11 Handclapping 2. Following baptism, etc. – “Amen” means “certain & true” – It is seen 126 times in the NT alone (amen, assuredly, or most assuredly) – We also see it used in worship (prayer – I Cor. 14:16)

12 Handclapping 2. Following baptism, etc. – What of the one who simply wishes to be an encouragement? – One being baptized does not see or know what goes on after coming up – A better way to encourage might be to find them after and encourage them w/words

13 Raising of Hands Another practice that we see largely in the religious world is that of raising hands Why is it that some do this and why do we not see it here? Let’s examine the Bible for our answer…

14 Raising of Hands We see this mentioned in I Timothy 2:8 “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” Some would point to this verse as their authority in the raising of hands

15 Raising of Hands First, if one were to take this verse literally, men would be the only ones allowed to do this Second, it would only be done during prayer What does “lifting up holy hands” mean?

16 Raising of Hands Are our hands literally holy? Holy hands is a figurative term that signifies a holy life Washing your hands with a bar of soap would no more make holy hands than bathing with soap would wash your life

17 Raising of Hands Did the washing of hands mean purity to Pilate? (Matt. 27:24) “Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (Js. 4:8) Lifting holy hands is a figurative term representing a holy life before God

18 Praise Teams What exactly are “Praise Teams”? Basically a group of singers with microphones leading the songs either from the front or from the pew They are generally made up of both men and women

19 Praise Teams Again, we must ask, what is the purpose of such? The biggest problem with this is that it puts women in leadership positions or positions of authority (I Cor. 14:34; I Tim. 2:11-14) This is a violation of God’s will

20 Praise Teams Other problems would be that it turns into entertainment more so than actual worship of God It puts the emphasis upon the performers rather than upon God, who is the object of our worship There really is no need for such

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