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Cheetahs Wendy Segovia. The cheetah is a marvel of evolution The cheetah’s slender, long- legged body is built for speed. Cheetahs are tan in color with.

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Presentation on theme: "Cheetahs Wendy Segovia. The cheetah is a marvel of evolution The cheetah’s slender, long- legged body is built for speed. Cheetahs are tan in color with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cheetahs Wendy Segovia

2 The cheetah is a marvel of evolution The cheetah’s slender, long- legged body is built for speed. Cheetahs are tan in color with black spots all over their bodies They can also be distinguished from other big cats by their smaller size, spotted coats, small heads and ears. Lifespan 10-12 years

3 Cheetahs and Humans The cheetah's long association with humans dates back to the Sumerians, about 3,000 BC where a leashed cheetah, with a hood on its head, is depicted on an official seal. In early Lower Egypt, it was known as the MAFDET cat-goddess and was revered as a symbol of royalty. Tame cheetahs were kept as close companions to pharaohs, as a symbolic protection to the throne. Many statues and paintings of cheetahs have been found in royal tombs, and it was believed that the cheetah would quickly carry away the pharaoh's spirit to the after life. By the 18th and 19th centuries, paintings indicated that the cheetah rivaled dogs in popularity as hunting companions.

4 The world's fastest land animal More about the Cheetahs: The cheetah is unique Unlike other cats, the cheetah has a leaner body, longer legs, and has been referred to as the greyhound of the cats. Cheetahs are sleek, fast carnivores found in Africa. Of all the cheetah facts, the most important is the world's fastest land mammal

5 Did You Know The cheetah name comes form an Indian word meaning the “the spotted one” Cheetahs were so popular that Akbar the great of India was said to have kept a stable of about 1,000.

6 More About The Food Chain. The cheetah food chain needs to be explained by someone educated in that field; conservation efforts are strong because they're endangered; find photos on pet websites. These wild cats hunt during the day and sleep most of the night. They are predators and eat living prey. Cubs of these animals have long mane on their neck and shoulders. This mane disappears as they get older The cheetah food chain needs to be explained by someone educated in that field; conservation efforts are strong because they're endangered.

7 The Food Chain Prey AntelopesGazellesZebras

8 Humans impact to Cheetahs Many emperors kept hundreds of cheetahs, at any given time, in their stables The best records of cheetahs having been kept by royalty, from Europe to China, are from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries During his 49-year reign, Akbar the Great had over 9,000 cheetahs, in total, which were called Khasa or the "Imperial Cheetahs," and he kept detailed records on them.

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