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Introducing a First Year Champion into a Bachelor of Nursing: The challenges, achievements and recommendations Dr Karen Lawrence Associate Professor Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing a First Year Champion into a Bachelor of Nursing: The challenges, achievements and recommendations Dr Karen Lawrence Associate Professor Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing a First Year Champion into a Bachelor of Nursing: The challenges, achievements and recommendations Dr Karen Lawrence Associate Professor Peter Hartley Dr Dana Chahal John Hamilton

2 BACKGROUND Bachelor of Nursing at Victoria University (VU): historically a high attrition rate (average 29%) Student intake approximately 450 Student graduation approximately 300 Factors attributing to attrition: Low ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) High numbers Location Poor curriculum design

3 First Year Champion Role Part of VU’s Student Experience project FYCs in all Colleges, linked to big enrolment courses – Nursing & Paramedics in College of Health & Biomedicine Main Aims: To support 1 st year students through their transition to university To give 1 st year students a great student experience To make 1 st year a successful one Increase retention of 1 st year students

4 CHALLENGES Review of first year units Review of the first year student experience Embedding Academic Support and Development (ASD) in key foundation first year units of study Create a first year teaching community of practice Engagement with the student link project

5 ACHIEVEMENTS The establishment of a first year community of practice The provision of a First Year Forum Collaborative work with ASD to extend embedded support Timing of assessment in 1st Year Units Strengthening of ‘O’ week Incorporating the Steps to Success Launching a Peer Teaching Exchange program Commencing monthly Good Practice conversations

6 Community of Practice Meet four times per year Includes all staff involved in first year – Enrolment officers – Student matters – First year coordinator – First year academics Agenda example Academic Advice session (update) Preparation for orientation (year one & year two – Diploma students) Intelligent Agents First year, First semester unit review Literacy sessions for Diploma students (to be linked with HNB2105) Numeracy session & support update Transitions Student Mentors update Advanced Standing update & issues

7 Collaboration with Academic Support & Development Specific ASD sessions embedded in class – e.g. Foundations in Nursing I, II – e.g. Paramedics Professional Practice I, II Additional workshops – e.g. Getting Started in Nursing – e.g. The Language of Therapeutic Communication PASS Peer Assisted Study Sessions PTEPeer Teaching Exchange PELAPost-Entry Language Assessment

8 Timing of assessment in 1st Year Units Week Unit 1 29/2 2 7/3 3 14/3 4 21/3 MID-SEMESTER BREAK CENSUS DATE 31ST MARCH 5 4/4 6 11/4 7 18/4 8 25/4 9 2/5 10 9/5 11 16/5 12 23/6 Swot Vac 30/5 Exam period 6/6 – 24/6 AEK1203 Indigenous Health Assign 1 1000 words Reflective journal Group presentn RBM1103 Bioscience 1 Test 1 Test 2 Written exam HNB1102 Foundations in nursing 1 Assign. 1 1000 words Maths quiz Written exam HNB1203 Professional studies Assign. 1 1000 words Assign. 2 2000 words

9 Achievements Strengthening of ‘O’ week Welcome Session The Great Race Academic Advice VU Ready 1 overview of VU’s online system. VU Ready 2 preparation for your new journey of academia. VU Ready 3 looks at setting and achieving goals. Good Practice conversations Monthly meetings Informal sharing of good practice Steps to Success Weekly communication





14 First Year Forum

15 A reminder from Vincent Tinto Lest we forget the object of student retention is not merely that students stay, but that they learn in staying. Education, not mere retention, is the proper goal of institutional action. Retention and graduation are its by-products. (Tinto 2009 : 5)


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