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1 Properties of Quarkonia at T c Su Houng Lee In collaboration with Kenji Morita.

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1 1 Properties of Quarkonia at T c Su Houng Lee In collaboration with Kenji Morita

2 S H Lee 2 J/ in Quark Gluon Plasma 1986: Hashimoto, Miyamura,..: Mass shift of J/ Near Tc 1986: Matsui, Satz: J/ will dissolve at Tc Confirmed by other lattice calculations: Datta etal. and potential model: Wong... 2004: Asakawa, Hatsuda: J/ will survive up to 2 Tc T< 1.6 T c T> 1.6 T c 1988: Hansson, Lee, Zahed: J/ states in QGP

3 S H Lee 3 Tc<T<2Tc is important in HIC J/ in Quark Gluon Plasma Kolb, Heinz, nucl-th/0305084 Large uncertainty in lattice MEM Jakovac et al. hep-lat/0611017 Tc<T<2Tc is non perturbative region Karsch hep-lat/0106019 High T perturbative approach?T=0 phenomenological approach? J/ 

4 S H Lee 4 How can we treat heavy quark system in QCD ? Properties of QGP from lattice

5 S H Lee 5 Lattice result for purge gauge (Boyd et al 96) G 2, E 2 and B 2 across T c -- (quenched case) Using energy momentum tensor p and   local operators p/T 4 /T 4 T T =0  T Maximum at 1.1Tc Extraction from lattice: Morita, Lee (08)

6 S H Lee 6 E 2 and B 2 across T c -- (relation to potentials ?) W(S-T) W(S-S) Time Space Manousakis, Polonyi, PRL 58 (87) 847 “Nonperturbative length scale in high T QCD” L L W(S-T) </E2></E2> W(S-S) </B2></B2> T<Tc Area T>Tc PerimeterArea  Exp(-  F) W(S-T) = 1- (ST) 2 +… W(S-S) = 1- (SS) 2 +… Shifman NPB73 (80) no change change If suddently increases across T c, what will happen to J/  immersed in it ?

7 S H Lee 7 Hydrogen Atom in an external E field external  T

8 S H Lee 8 Attractive for ground state  T T/Tc1.01.05 00 m J/ -44 MeV-105 MeV311 MeV mm -4.3 MeV-10 MeV580 MeV QCD 2 nd order Stark Effect (Peskin, Luke, Manohar) A non-perturbative method ?

9 S H Lee 9 Perturbative treatment are possible because Heavy quark propagation Basics in Heavy quark system

10 S H Lee 10 Perturbative treatment are possible when System with two heavy quarks

11 S H Lee 11 q2 q2 process expansion parameter example 0 Photo production of open charm m 2 J/  > 0Bound state properties Formalism by Peskin (79) J/  dissociation: NLO J/  mass shift: LO -Q 2 < 0 QCD sum rules for heavy quarks Predicted m  c <m J/  before experiment Perturbative treatment are possible when

12 S H Lee 12 Including Temperature effects For High T > 2 Tc For small and T close to Tc Separation scale

13 S H Lee 13 A reliable non perturbative approach near T c at q 2 < 0 Morita, Lee: arXiv:0704.2021 (PRL 08) arXiv:0711.3998

14 S H Lee 14  predicted M  c <M J/  before experiment QCD sum rules for Heavy quark system T=0 OPE Phenomenological side s  J/  ’’

15 S H Lee 15 Matching M n-1 /M n from Phen to OPE  Obtain constraint for m J/ and  QCD sum rules for Heavy quark system T near Tc OPEPhenomenological side s  J/  ’’  +c For Detail Kenji Morita’s Poster <G2><G2> <G2><G2>

16 S H Lee 16 Constraint for J/ Mass and Width above Tc p/T 4 /T 4 |  m|+  =15xT, near Tc If  =0 If  m=0  m GeV  MeV

17 S H Lee 17 Due to the sudden change in gluon condensates, there will be a critical behavior of J/  near T c, |m|+ =150 MeV from Tc to Tc + 10 MeV Model calculation is needed to get the changes separately,  Use QCD Stark Effect ? Summary QCD sum rule constraint with  =0  From  =constraint-m (Stark effect)

18 S H Lee 18 1. ‘Order parameter’ of QCD Phase transition: Critical behavior of J/  near T c, mass shift and width broadening from QCD sum rules,  |m|+ =200 MeV from 0.98T c to 1.05T c  with Stark effect: m=-100 MeV, =100 MeV at 1.05T c 2. A precursor phenomena takes place in nuclear matter  Mass shift could be observed through anti proton project at GSI 3. Consequences in HIC?. Non trivial effects expected to  c  ’, ,  ’… 4.Remember the many findings from Stark, Zeeman, Anomalous Zeeman effects…  Challenges for future experiments and analysis ! Summary

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