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Advances in Human Resource Development and Management

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1 Advances in Human Resource Development and Management
Course code: MGT 712 Lecture 22

2 Recap of Lecture 21 Training Needs Assessment/Analysis (TNA)
Why to conduct TNA? What is a Training/HRD Need? The TNA Model Organizational Analysis Data Sources for Organizational Analysis What Do You Ask and from Whom? Lecture 22

3 Learning Objectives: Lecture 22
TNA Model Task Analysis Steps in conducting a task analysis Data Sources For Task/Operational Analysis Person Analysis Components of Person Analysis Data Sources for Person Analysis Output of TNA Prioritizing HRD Needs Lecture 22

4 The TNA Model Input Process Output Resources Operational/Task Analysis
Expected Performance (EP) Person Analysis Actual (AP) Organizational Objectives Environment Identify Performance Discrepancy (PD) PD = EP < AP And Causes of PD Non Training Needs TRIGGER Actual Organizational Performance (AOP) < Expected Organizational Performance (EOP) Lecture 22

5 Task/ Operational Analysis
The systematic collection of data about a specific job or group of jobs to determine what an employee should be taught to achieve optimal performance Appropriate standards of performance How task should be performed to meet these standards Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and other characteristics (KSAO) required to meet the standards Lecture 22

6 Steps in conducting a task analysis
Develop job description Identify job tasks The major tasks in the job How each job should be done – performance standards How the tasks are actually performed? Identify what is takes to do the job -KSAOs needed Identify the areas that can most benefit from training Prioritize potential training areas Lecture 22

7 Data Sources For Task/Operational Analysis
Sources for Obtaining Job Data Training Need Implications Practical Concerns 1. Job Descriptions Outlines the job’s typical duties and responsibilities but is not meant to be all inclusive Often inaccurate due to time constraints or job knowledge.  2. Job Specifications List specified tasks required for each job. May be product of the job description and suffer from the same problems   3. Performance Standards Objectives of the tasks of job, and standards by which they are judged. Very useful if available, and accurate, but often organizations do not have formal performance standards 4. Perform the Job Most effective way of determining specific tasks, but has serious limitations in higher level jobs Easy, short cycle type jobs are a possibility. Lecture 22

8 Data Sources For Operational Analysis
Sources for Obtaining Job Data Training Need Implications Practical Concerns 5. Observe Job—Work Sampling Most effective way of determining specific tasks, but has serious limitations in higher level jobs Useful again for certain jobs. Be aware of the fact that being observed can influence behavior 6. Questions directed to the job holder and the supervisor. Most often used method. The job holder and his supervisor have different perspectives and information 7. Review Literature concerning job in professional journals practitioner journals other industries Useful for determining specific issues related to the job and what is being done by others and what the results are Need to be sure information is relevant to your organization Lecture 22

9 Person Analysis Person analysis is directed at determining the training needs of the individual employees. Expected Performance – Actual Performance = Performance Gap Someone who can regularly observe the employee’s performance - supervisor Addresses performance deficiency Is performance substandard? Are current employees capable of training? Can performance be improved through training Deals with the issue of whether to train, replace, motivate Based on many sources of data Lecture 22

10 Components of Person Analysis
Summary Person Analysis Determines the overall success of the individual employee performance and classifies an individual as successful vs unsuccessful employee Diagnostic Person Analysis Tries to discover the reasons for an employee’s performance – how individual’s KSAOs, effort, and environmental factors combine to yield the summary person analysis Effective performers may be the source for ideas on how to improve performance Analysis of ineffective employees can identify which training interventions are needed Lecture 22

11 Data Sources for Person Analysis
Sources for Obtaining Data Training Need Implication Remarks Performance Data or Appraisals Easy to analyze and quantify to determine subjects and kind of training needed. Supervisor ratings are not for TNA and often done poorly Observation – Work Sampling More subjective technique. Done effectively in some situations - customer service - where you can monitor behavior Interviews Only individual knows what he believes he needs to learn. Be sure employee believes it is in his best interest to be honest Questionnaires Same approach as the interview. Same concerns as the interview Lecture 22

12 Data Sources for Person Analysis
Sources for Obtaining Data Training Need Implication Remarks Tests a. Job knowledge b. Skills c. Achievement Can be tailor-made or standardized. Care must be taken so that they measure job related qualities. Care in the development of scoring keys is important and difficult to do if not trained in the process Attitude Surveys On an individual basis, useful in determining morale, motivation, or satisfaction of each employee. Important to use well developed scales Checklists or Training Progress charts Up-to-date listing of each employee’s skills. Rely on supervisor ratings, see “Performance data or Appraisals” Lecture 22

13 Data Sources for Person Analysis
Sources for Obtaining Data Training Need Implication Remarks Rating Scales Care must be taken to ensure objective employee ratings. Rely on supervisor ratings, see “Performance data or Appraisals” Critical Incidents Observe actions critical to successful and unsuccessful performance Rely on supervisor ratings, see “Performance data or Appraisals” Diaries The individual employee records details of his job. May be biased Devised Situations Certain knowledge, skills, and attitudes are demonstrated in these techniques. Useful, but again, care in development of scoring criteria is important Lecture 22

14 Data Sources for Person Analysis
Data Sources for Obtaining Data Training Need Implication Remarks Assessment Centers Combination of several of the above techniques. Expensive to develop and operate, these are very good Coaching Similar to interview – one-to-one. Must choose coaches carefully and train to be most effective MBO or Work Planning Provides actual performance data on a recurring basis related to organizational and group or individually negotiated standards. Good process when implemented properly, and Review Systems are the support of top management Lecture 22

15 Developmental Needs An effective person analysis should also determine future developmental needs for: Maintaining and increasing the KSAs of employees Career development by preparing the employee for future jobs Data on developmental needs can be sought from: Periodic performance evaluation Skills inventory Human resource information system Lecture 22

16 Model of Process When Performance Discrepancy Is Identified
YES YES Is it worth fixing? KSA Deficiency Reward/ Punishment Incongruence Inadequate Feedback Obstacles in the System Choose Appropriate Remedy YES Change Contingencies Provide Proper Feedback Remove Obstacles Lecture 22

17 Model of Process When Performance Discrepancy Is Identified
Performance discrepancy is worth fixing AND is due to a KSA deficiency Choose Appropriate Remedy Change Contingencies Provide Proper Feedback Remove Obstacles Job Aid Training Practice Change the Job Transfer or Terminate Lecture 22

18 Output of TNA Training Needs Non-Training Needs
Non-Training Needs that have no KSA deficiency Reward/Punishment In-congruencies Inadequate Feedback Obstacles in the system Non-Training Needs that have a KSA deficiency Job Aids Practice Changing the job itself Lecture 22

19 Prioritizing HRD Needs
There are never enough resources available Must prioritize effort The projected impact on organizational performance must always be kept in mind What are the potential gains or return on investment from various options? Need full organizational involvement in this process More employees will perceive HRD programs as being relevant More people in the organization will support HRD programs Involve an HRD Advisory Committee. Lecture 22

20 Summary of Lecture 22 TNA Model Task Analysis Person Analysis
Steps in conducting a task analysis Data Sources For Task/Operational Analysis Person Analysis Components of Person Analysis Data Sources for Person Analysis Output of TNA Prioritizing HRD Needs Lecture 22

21 Reference books Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practice (3rd Ed.) P. Nick Blanchard and James W. Thacker: Dorling Kindersley, Delhi Human Resource Development: Foundation, Framework and Application Jon M. Werner and Randy L. DeSimone: Cengage Learning, New Delhi Lecture 22

22 Thank you! Lecture 22

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