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Fuels for Schools & Beyond Biomass Boilers Status March 18, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuels for Schools & Beyond Biomass Boilers Status March 18, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuels for Schools & Beyond Biomass Boilers Status March 18, 2009

2 Brief Highlights July 2008 meeting in DC Prepared draft Products, Processes, and Messages Internal Web Site Control Technology Paper NESCAUM Model Rule Small Boiler Area Source Rule Future

3 July 2008 Workshop Goal “Address Issues and Opportunities Associated with Woody Biomass Burning in Small Boilers” Attendees About 30 representatives from various local, state, federal government agencies with a stake in the support, installation and effects of small wood-fired boilers.

4 July 2008 Workshop Workshop Process Facilitated overview sessions to understand interests Breakout sessions to understand technical issues  Estimating Emissions and Exposure  Control Technology/Siting Design  Mitigation Approaches to Minimize Risk  Messaging

5 July 2008 Workshop General Results Better understanding of interests Increased Interagency conversations Specific Results and Status of Action Items Messaging Mitigation Control Technology Exposures

6 Status of “Messaging Work” Biomass grant Incentives and grant conditions Fed. Reg Notice (9/11/2008)* contained incentive language to consider air quality EPA part of Interagency team reviewing proposals (“pre-applications”) 107 pre-applications reviewed 44 invited to submit a full application 14 states represented Over $10 million requested via proposals Awards completed ~ first of April *”Request for Proposals for Woody Biomass Utilization Grant—Forest Restoration Activities on National Forest System Lands”

7 Status of “Messaging Work” (cont’d) Website links Interagency “Healthy Forests and Rangelands” website* updated with air quality links to EPA and NESCAUM websites Communications proposal developed but not formalized. However, Collaborated on messages for key groups (on hold) Collaboration foundation for technology paper *

8 Status of “Mitigation Work” Interaction with Woody Biomass Utilization Group (BUG) Alerted them of up-coming small boiler rule and encouraged best combustion technology and add-on controls Model Rule Development NESCAUM goal of April 2009

9 Status of “Control Technology Work” Sharing calendar of European Trips Identify international meetings in DC Develop first draft of Best Management Practices Not done Partially covered by Technology Paper

10 Status of “Exposures Work” Draft Emissions and Exposures Document Encourage dispersion modeling Encourage testing

11 Draft Control Technology Paper Comments were due March 5 Will remain as a draft final ‘Discussion Document’ Will be publicly available ~April 1 on site

12 Small Boiler Area Source Rule Court-ordered area source rule for small institutional and commercial boilers Propose by July 15, 2009 Promulgate by July 15, 2010 MACT levels per Section 112(c)(6)] Will likely require stringent air toxics emission limits for new sources based on high efficiency boiler and fabric filter combinations, energy audits, annual tune-ups, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting Existing source limits to be determined Note: The definition of “waste” versus “fuel” is still to be decided. If “waste” includes woody biomass, then those boilers will be subject to stringent Section 129 rules [already promulgated].

13 Future Mindfully close-out with July 2008 participants Keep informal communications open Wait for July 2009 small boiler area source rule proposal or use best combustion and fabric filters Encourage retrofits for existing units Wait for “waste” decision Keep a watchful eye Reassess after rule proposed

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