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Civil War 1861-1865 5 th Six Weeks Project DUE: Wednesday, March 27 th.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War 1861-1865 5 th Six Weeks Project DUE: Wednesday, March 27 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War 1861-1865 5 th Six Weeks Project DUE: Wednesday, March 27 th

2 Your project will consist of 3 parts: 1. Letter Home 2. Landmark 3. Battle Map

3 Letter Home Write a letter home from the perspective of a solider or civilian during the Civil War. Write a letter home from the perspective of a solider or civilian during the Civil War. Your letter should include: Your letter should include: A historically accurate date and location (for example, July 4, 1863, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania). A historically accurate date and location (for example, July 4, 1863, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania). One paragraph describing one of the key events or battles of the war so far. One paragraph describing one of the key events or battles of the war so far. One paragraph describing your experiences as a soldier or as a civilian during that key event or battle and how it affected you. Use details from your Reading Notes, or additional research and include relevant dialogue and descriptions of specific actions. One paragraph describing your experiences as a soldier or as a civilian during that key event or battle and how it affected you. Use details from your Reading Notes, or additional research and include relevant dialogue and descriptions of specific actions. ***Make sure that your information is historically accurate. Civil War soldiers would not pass their time playing Xbox or texting on their iPhones.*** A sketch or photograph that relates to something you write about in your letter. Be sure to refer to this visual somewhere in your letter. A sketch or photograph that relates to something you write about in your letter. Be sure to refer to this visual somewhere in your letter. In order to receive full credit, you will need to include your outline and rough draft. In order to receive full credit, you will need to include your outline and rough draft. Minimum ONE page, typed, 12 pt. font, legible Minimum ONE page, typed, 12 pt. font, legible

4 Landmark You will need to duplicate an existing landmark or create your own using household items. It must be something of significance.  Ask yourself…Does it relate the battle discussed in your letter home? Ft. Sumter

5 Minuteman statue on Lexington Green Monument to Fort Ticonderoga Gateway Arch Westward Expansion Liberty Bell Symbol of American Independence

6 Student Examples

7 Battle Map Draw a map of your battle  Be sure to include:  Rivers, lakes, or any water landmarks  Major Cities  Generals/armies  Unit Indicators  What state the battle was fought?


9 Student Examples

10 Sources  All sources must be cited.  Here are a few sources that might be helpful:  battles/bystate.htm battles/bystate.htm battles/bystate.htm    american-civil-war american-civil-war american-civil-war 

11 Turn- in Checklist  Letter Home  Typed and printed out  Prewriting  Outline/Thinking Map  Rough Draft  Battle Map  Work Cited  Landmark

12 The Civil War project will be completed as HOMEWORK. We will NOT be dedicating class time to this project. All three parts must be completed and brought to class on Wednesday, March 27 th.

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