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Stylistics presentation. 1. Preparation Choose a text that you like and you think your classmates like too. You can choose from various genres of texts.

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Presentation on theme: "Stylistics presentation. 1. Preparation Choose a text that you like and you think your classmates like too. You can choose from various genres of texts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stylistics presentation

2 1. Preparation Choose a text that you like and you think your classmates like too. You can choose from various genres of texts ( headlines, blurbs, excerpt of prose, poetry).

3 Divide the texts into various lens of analysis 1. Rhetorical analysis : WWW Who is speaking to whom ? About what? When and Where ? Setting ? ( sometime the setting is important like in D.ST and N.T ) but in one perfect roes it is not) What is the purpose ?

4 Purpose like in one perfect rose : the poet: The poet was very intellectual and didn't care for emotional displays. she was mocking the man's gift and asking "why doesn't he send me something of intrinsic value instead of just a flower, that won't win my heart.

5 Deictic Analysis: Person diectics : e,.g ( I, my, his, her ) Place deictic Here, there OR ( place reference river, house, street etc) Time deictic Now,yesterday, tomorrow The darkest evening of the year

6 Literary analysis : Poetic devices ( personification, metaphor, simile, tone, irony etc)

7 Others ( textual features) For examples : What kind of sentences? Are they simple sentences or complex ones ? What kind of words ( nouns, adjectives, adverbs) for e.g in the artist of the floating world the use of modals,certain adverbs ( such as perhaps and maybe) and evaluative adjectives “stylish” “elegant” indicates ambivalent attitude.

8 Remember :Rules of academic honesty apply to this assignment. For example,copying materials from he internet onto your power point constitute plagiarism and a zero will be awarded.

9 A little black boy, by williamblake The Chimney Sweeper, William Blake the road not taken, Robert Frost. Life is fine by Langston Hughes Sylvia plath ( feminist) Emily Dickenson ( death)

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