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Notes 10-26-07: 1.4.1: Draw a diagram of the fluid mosaic model: Show bilayer, cholesterol, glycoprotein, integral and peripheral proteins. 1.4.2: Label.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes 10-26-07: 1.4.1: Draw a diagram of the fluid mosaic model: Show bilayer, cholesterol, glycoprotein, integral and peripheral proteins. 1.4.2: Label."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes 10-26-07: 1.4.1: Draw a diagram of the fluid mosaic model: Show bilayer, cholesterol, glycoprotein, integral and peripheral proteins. 1.4.2: Label the hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions and explain how phospholipids maintain the structure of cell membranes. Hydrophobic hydrophilic Phospholipids have a polar ‘head’ (phosphate group) and a non-polar hydrocarbon chain. Polar likes water and is near the water. The non- polar lipid chains stay together away from the water. (Integral protein) Peripheral proteins are on the outside layer… just draw one…

2 Make sure that you are on ‘View’ and ‘Slideshow’ for the rest of the activity

3 Prokaryotes do not have membrane- bound organelles like ER, Golgi, Mitochondria etc…

4 Prokaryotes ‘Pro’ means ‘before’ ‘Kary’ means kernal Prokaryotes are cells without a nucleus! They are SMALL Example: Bacteria

5 N eisseria gonorrhoeae - coccoid prokaryote; causes gonorrhea Staphylococcus aureus, a Staphylococcus prokaryote Some prokaryotes that cause disease

6 Anthrax! Bacterial disease. (caused by a prokaryote)

7 Impetigo, common bacterial disease

8 Leprosy, bacterial disease

9 Other famous prokaryotic diseases: Gonorrhea Acne Syphilis Typhoid fever Staph infection Gangrene

10 NOT in prokaryotes! (Why?) A cell with a golgi apparatusProkaryotes don’t have organelles with membranes around them!

11 Monkey cell infected containing roughly twenty Coxiella burnetii Why is Coxiella burnetii NOT a prokaryote? Each cell that is infecting has a nucleus!

12 Go to this site and play one of the games

13 Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA… (in fact it is one of the pieces of endosymbiotic theory… they originated on their own first)

14 The more specialized organelles you have, the bigger you can be.

15 Plasmodesmota – channel between two cells with a cell wall. ‘Pla’ and ‘Plant’

16 Gap junctions, channels between cells with membranes only

17 Desmosome - They are like rivets that hold two cells together. Necessary to form tissues

18 Tight junctions – like a sewn seam that keeps two cells together

19 If you are up to it, play this game… look at the clues that the observers give you to know which organelle to give to the guy going up the ladder. The password is megacell.

20 Microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtrabecular lattice are part of the cytoskeleton.

21 Microtubules – large, and make up cilia, centrioles, and flagella. They are arranged in 9-2 format… 9 ‘doublets’ surrounding a pair.

22 Microfilaments Small strings of globular protein. Used especially in cell division. (cleavage furrow)

23 Peroxisomes-sacs of enzymes that come out of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. They are used to detoxify things by adding oxygen to them. Different from lysosomes – lysosomes have digestive enzymes to break down food and old cell parts.

24 Glycoproteins and glycolipids are used in cell recognition.

25 Phagocytosis: endocytosis where the membrane wraps around the desired material and ‘eats’ it. Phago=eat

26 Pinocytosis: endocytosis where the cell ‘drinks’. Pino=drink

27 Cotransport proteins:

28 Bravo! Biologia!

29 Beisbol y biologia !

30 Dynein arms- ‘motors’ that cause the doublets to pull together. When they turn off and on it makes the cilia or flagella move.

31 Surface to Volume ratio: When you look at the following, notice that as volume increases, surface area doesn’t increase as much…

32 Surface to volume with m and m’s Diameter (in mm) Radius (1/2 diameter) Surface Area: (4  r 2 ) Volume: (4/3)(  r 3 ) Ratio: S.A./Volu me Mini m&m’s 4mm Regular m&m’s 8mm Peanut m&m’s 10mm

33 Questions regarding Surface:Volume 1.Describe how increasing the size of a cell affects the ratio of Surface area to Volume ratio. 2.Describe how increasing the size of a cell affects the ability of the cell to diffuse products into and out of the cell. 3.Why is smaller better for diffusion?

34 This scanning electron microscope picture demonstrates HIV budding (arrows) from the surface of an infected T-lymphocyte magnified 80,000X.

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