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Ch. 2 Sec. 2.  Colonist in North America still owed allegiance to Britain.  The colonies were intended to serve as a source of raw materials for Britain.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 2 Sec. 2.  Colonist in North America still owed allegiance to Britain.  The colonies were intended to serve as a source of raw materials for Britain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 2 Sec. 2

2  Colonist in North America still owed allegiance to Britain.  The colonies were intended to serve as a source of raw materials for Britain.  Because of the distance, the colonist enjoyed a great deal independence from Britain.  Until the 1700’s, Britain was fine with arrangement. Then came the French and Indian War.

3  Because of the French and Indian War, Britain was left with a large war debt.  To pay for this debt, Britain thought it would be a great idea to increase taxes on the colonies.  King George III levied a series of taxes on the colonies in hopes of recovering money spent on the French and Indian War.

4  Stamp Act (legal documents, newspapers).  Tea Act (Tax on non-British tea).  Intolerable Acts (closed Boston Harbor, tighten control of colonies).  “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!” became the cry of the colonist.  Colonist organized committees of correspondence to communicate ideas about their treatment by Britain.

5  Each colony, except Georgia, sent a delegate to Philadelphia to discuss what to do about Britain.  The colonist adopted an embargo of British goods hoping Britain would relax its control.  Britain responded by tightening its control over the colonist.(More troops, quartering, curfews).

6  On April 19 th, 1775 minutemen and British redcoats clashed at Lexington and Concord.  This prompted the colonist to send a second delegation in Philadelphia.  At this delegation, the colonist voted to organize an army and navy, create their own money and gave central power to the Congress.

7  While the newly formed Congress was weighing breaking away from Britain, support was growing in the colonies.  Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense in an effort to convince colonist that breaking away was a good idea.  People like Patrick Henry and Richard Lee gave speeches declaring that the colonies were already free.

8  By recommendation of Richard Lee, the Second Continental Congress adopted a resolution to break away from Britain.  On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was completed and signed.  This Declaration was a list of grievances the colonies had against Britain.  Each grievance was connected to political, civil, and economic liberties.

9  With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, many colonies adopted constitutions.  Colonies adopting constitutions moved them to act more like states as defined in chapter 1 of your text.  Most of the newly formed state constitutions contained a Bill of Rights. Where are we going with this?


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