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How Can We Understand what Tourists want?

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Presentation on theme: "How Can We Understand what Tourists want?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can We Understand what Tourists want?

2 Learning Goal 10 and 11 10. I will be able to explain how Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs relates to the tourism industry. 11. I will be able to explain tourist typology and how knowing the typologies can help your business.

3 Tourists are the main characters in the tourism industry and the tourism industry exists to cater to their needs. Tourism businesses acknowledge the fact that their success depends also on how much they know and understand their tourists.

4 Tourist Typology

5 Tourist Typologies Categorizing tourists based on their behavior
Are a guide to tourism business owners as to what products, services and facilities should be sold to certain tourists having the same behavior.

6 Adventurers Are motivated to seek new experiences Value diversity
Seek new activities, cultures and people Are independent and in control Travel plays a central role in their lives Don’t need to be pampered “I feel confident that I could find my way around a city that I have never visited before.” “I really hate traveling with a group of people, even if they’re people I know.”

7 Indulgers Like to be pampered
Their travel is not a central or important experience Are generally willing to pay for a higher level of service when they travel Do not find travel intimidating or stressful “I don’t worry about how much things cost when I travel.” “It’s worth paying extra to get the special attention I want when I travel.”

8 Tourist Takes photos, buys souvenirs, goes to famous places, stays briefly in one place, does not understand the local people.

9 Businessperson Concerned with social status, contributes to the economy, does not take photos, prefers interacting with people of his/her own kind, goes to famous places.

10 Overseas student Experiments with local food, does not exploit the local people, takes photos, keenly observes the visited society, takes physical risks.

11 Take a minute and think about which typology you are
Take a minute and think about which typology you are. I will ask everyone, so be prepared!!!

12 A good grasp of who their tourists are would guide businesses in their operations, marketing and research, and development.

13 Clearly, a study on the behavior of tourists is very vital to the tourism industry. Understanding tourists require a background on psychology and consumer behavior.

14 What do tourism businesses need to know to run a successful business?

15 Tourism businesses should be concerned with:
what motivates tourists how they make decisions what they think of the products they buy how much they enjoy and learn during their holiday experiences how they interact with the local people and environment how they feel about their holidays.

16 Knowing why tourists travel is the most important question when studying tourism behaviour. The wants and needs of tourists are called travel motivators.

17 What motivates you to travel?
Motivation Something that creates interest or causes a person to act in a certain way. What motivates you to travel?

18 Needs and wants of tourists are seen as the driving force that causes an individual to travel. (Cook, 1999), simply explained travel motivation as the drive to travel.

19 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

20 Abraham Maslow created a theory called “the hierarchy of needs” and it explains that as humans meet basic needs, they seek to satisfy successively higher needs


22 Description of the Different Human Needs by Maslow
Physiological Needs Need to breath, need for water, need to eat, need to dispose of bodily wastes, need for sleep, need to regulate body temperature, and need for sexual activity, body comfort, and exercise, etc. Safety Need for security of employment, revenues and resources, need for physical security (safety from violence, delinquency, aggression), need for moral and physiological security, need for familial security, need for security of health Love / Belonging Need for friendship, sexual intimacy, having a family and need to belong in a group. Esteem Need to be respected, need for self-respect and need to respect others, need for recognition, need for activity that gives the person a sense of contribution and self-value. Actualization Need to make the most of one’s unique abilities and need to strive to be the best.

23 The Maslow hierarchy of needs is an explanation of an individual’s behavior.
In tourism, every piece of information that would help the business owners, managers, and staff understand tourists’ behavior is important.

24 tourism experts also consider these different levels to be intrinsic factors that could drive a person to travel. Intrinsic motivation – motivation that comes from inside yourself. You want to do something because you like it and not because you are being given a reward. E.g. you play the piano because you love playing the piano, NOT because someone is giving you money.

25 Tourism Application For example, an individual may join a cruise because of his/her need for friendship. One of the attractions of joining a cruise is the many opportunities it provides its of meeting new people.

26 The level of needs would provide tourism businesses a guide in understanding their travel market and thus advertise their products effectively.

27 A cruise liner would emphasize in their advertisement the chances of meeting people instead of traveling to new places.

28 Second, tourism businesses could come up with different facilities and services with features that attempt to address certain needs of tourists.

29 For example, services that address needs of belonginess as frequent visitors program or simple tokens that make the guests think that the business knows them specifically They feel special going to that business

30 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Tourist Needs:
Physiological Tour packages that offer frequent rest stops Easily accessible food outlets in theme parks Sleeping shelters strategically located Safety Reservation service provided at government-approved agencies or locations Cruise ship lines providing medical facilities and doctors Tour guide services provided in exotic or unfamiliar locations Belonging Group tours with people having similar interests and/or backgrounds Group recognition gained by membership in frequent-user programs provided by airline Trips to explore one’s ancestral roots Esteem Elite status in frequent-user programs such as gold, silver or bronze Incentive travel awards for superior company performance Flowers, champagne and other tokens provided to guests in recognition of occasions. Self-Actualization Educational tours and cruises Theme parks providing educational opportunities and glimpses of other cultures Learning the language and culture before traveling to another country.

31 Mini Presentation Activity: In Partners
Each pair is given a province that they will research (one province MUST be Ontario). The task: - You are getting married and you have relatives from overseas coming to see you get hitched and They will be staying for one week. You need to keep them busy and out of your hair for the week (remember one day will be your wedding day) Things to consider: - where you will be getting married (actual venue needed) local services, events, and activities (e.g. lodging, air transportation, ecotourism, guided tours, concerts, art exhibits, general things to do)

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